Instructor Profile - NGUYEN LE THIEN THANH (TT)

by Les Mills Asia Pacific

Based in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, Nguyen Le Thien Thanh (TT) teaches six to seven BODYJAM® classes a week at California Fitness and Yoga Centre. She is also a small business owner, choreographer and dance teacher.


In this new regular feature, we’re highlighting Instructors from Australia and Southeast Asia who demonstrate exemplary commitment to their Les Mills Instructor career (i.e., consistently buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops, training and events). And thanks to our friends at Fitness Audio, each featured Instructor receives a microphone belt and free ticket to Quarterly Workshops. This month, we’re featuring Nguyen Le Thien Thanh from Vietnam.

When did you first discover Les Mills workouts?

“I’ve known Les Mills since I was in high school (aged 16), after my mum actually invited me to go to Les Mills classes. I’ve attended BODYJAM, BODYPUMP® and BODYCOMBAT® classes, but I fell in love with BODYJAM the most. At that time, I didn’t know how to dance, I just knew that I loved music and I was very sensitive to sounds and melodies – and the music of Les Mills is gorgeous! Mr Gandalf is an inspiration to me – he’s an idol of all BODYJAM Instructors.”

“So, I realised I also have a talent for the arts, which led me to want to become a dance Instructor – I think I inherited it from my mum! She sang beautifully but she didn't choose that path. I'm not a good singer but I have a good taste in music, and I used to play the piano! It wasn't until high school that I knew I could dance. Another thing that led me to become a BODYJAM Instructor was inspiration from my first BODYJAM Instructor – Mr Raj. After that, I’ve learned a lot from other Vietnamese Instructors such as my mentor Ms Kun, and the legendary, Mr Gandalf.”

“I love all the BODYJAM Releases: music, movements, coaching, performances… everything is gorgeous, insane, emotional…! I also love SH’BAM® and BODY PUMP. I love dancing so besides BODYJAM, SH’BAM would be my next program choice to teach. In contrast to the fast movement from dancing, to tone muscles, improve breathing and strength, I would also choose BODY PUMP as another program that I’d consider getting certified in.”

Tell us about your journey to become a Les Mills Instructor

“I’ve faced lots of challenges in my life but one of the key decisions I’ve made was choosing to follow the passion of my life. Here in Vietnam, most Asian families have very specific educational traditions and beliefs that the best job will earn you a lot of money. That job must be stable, or you have to inherit the family business and then your life will be happy. This is the same with my family, and while I can understand why, I honestly think it's a ‘generation gap’ thing. Different generations have different ways of thinking, attitudes, ways of life and values. Born and raised in the digital age, the Gen Z people like me, aspire to have more opportunities to express ourselves, to prove ourselves, follow our passions – which for me is to dance and teach dance to everyone.”

“My family is not in the field of the arts, so when I told them that I wanted to teach dance, my family strongly objected. I struggled for a long time to prove to everyone that I have talent and that I can make money from my passion without having to rely on anyone. It still happens to this day, but things are now a bit easier.”

“Sometimes I doubt myself, and I don't want to upset my parents, so I will think ‘Should I stop dancing and do what my parents want, so I don't have to listen to the complaints?’, or wonder if I made the right choice. But I recently read a quote, which said: ‘Do what you do BEST’ and that helps me remain steadfast in the pursuit of my passion.”

“Sometimes it's a hard choice between what you want and what your family wants. It feels like you're standing at a fork in the road and having to decide which turn to go. Every choice has its joys and sorrows. Sometimes you will feel lonely on your way, but as long as you have enough faith, enough bravery, you will go very far.”

“Overcoming challenges is not easy, but I just try to just leave the unpleasant things behind. I find joy, particularly in BODYJAM. I am myself every time I teach BODYJAM because when the music plays and when the body dances, I can convey the spirit to the whole team. Also, I promise myself that I will do my best, so that when I look back I will not regret anything.”

What do you love most about being a Les Mills Instructor?

What I love most about teaching Les Mills programs is that the programs are international and so really make an impact in many countries and continents. So, no matter where you come from, no matter who you are, we can all connect with each other through the programs and special events such as LES MILLS LIVE. I love seeing people around me smiling, screaming, be surprised, emotional or even crying when they do BODYJAM and other Les Mills programs. We are all part of the same fitness-loving community.

My members have told me that my classes are very fun. They get to relieve their stress when they come to my BODYJAM class and some of them like my hip hop / street-style vibe. I can convey positive energy to people through my movements, my coaching or even the way I choose the Releases and the tracks. I want to everyone know how important health and positive spirit are in today's life. Because if you have health, you can have everything.

Thinking about In-Person Workshops, what do you like the most about them?

What I like most is that we – the Instructors – can actually meet the Presenters we love, in each program. Workshops are also a good opportunity for me to cultivate more knowledge of how the Presenters deliver the Workshops/classes in their unique styles (i.e., the choreography, coaching, connection). Of course, the Workshops will take place in a super fun and energetic atmosphere because everyone has connection with each other. I also like how at the end of the Workshops, I can interact and communicate with the Presenters like: taking photos together, talking about the experiences or stories surrounding the programs, our shared passion for Les Mills, etc.

Thinking about Online eWorkshops, what do you like the most about them?

I like how the Online eWorkshops can save time on travelling, and they are very convenient if I can’t attend the Workshops in-person; it means I won’t miss out on experiencing the new Release.

What do you find most helpful about the Quarterly Release Kits?

I really like them! The Release Kit Subscription service is so convenient because sometimes I will not notice when the next Quarterly Releases are, but when I register for the In-Person Workshops, everything is automated so I have access to the new Release Kit as soon as I check-in for the Workshops.

What tips can you offer to other Instructors to help them learn new Releases efficiently and effectively?

First thing – attend the Workshops (In-Person or Online eWorkshops) so you can gain a general feeling about the new Releases, from the perspective of a participant.

Secondly, learning from the Masterclass video and education video is really helpful, so take the time to study seriously and take notes (depending on what kind of learner you are (e.g., listening, watching, doing)). However you learn best, ensure you focus 1,000% on studying!

Thirdly, set up and plan your coaching, as well as the “fitness magic” you want to create during the class.

Next, practise delivering the entire Release with all your performance energy, so that when teaching you will know exactly how and when to allocate everything properly.

The last thing, especially for dance programs, and the most important thing in my opinion, is making sure you truly understand the music and understand the movements, so you can genuinely get into the vibe... rather than just memorising it all.

What are your goals for the future?

As a young person, I want to achieve certain achievements in my work. My goal is to become an inspiration to others. Learn more things about fitness industry so I can bring the more value to everyone. I also want to travel to my dream countries of Asia, New Zealand and Sweden.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about becoming a Les Mills Instructor but doesn’t quite feel ready?

Do what you do best! Just be yourself and know yourself well. I know Gen Z has a lot of potential and they are hard-working. Chase your dreams, learn more every day, don't stand still, set yourself specific goals and step towards them.

Getting involved with Les Mills has been one of the best things in my life. It is a place where I can be myself, satisfy my passions, and share happiness, positive energy and experiences with many people. Physical activities like dancing, kicking, punching, cycling... will all make you feel better. Whenever I feel tired, angry or stressful, I just do some Les Mills classes, then all the sadness disappears, and I feel like I was born again. It's amazing!

To follow TT on Instagram find @tt.thiennthanhh.

If you or someone you know has a passion for teaching Les Mills programs and a consistent history of buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops, then you can submit a nomination for Instructor of the Month. To do so, simply email their name and Customer ID (if known) to


Les Mills Asia Pacific