Masterclass filming at LES MILLS LIVE Los Angeles: Behind the scenes with Les Mills Asia Pacific Presenters – Part 3

by Les Mills Asia Pacific

Welcome to the last article in this series, where we shared personal insights from our Les Mills Asia Pacific Presenters who participated in the Masterclass filmings at LES MILLS LIVE Los Angeles. You can click to revisit Part 1 and Part 2 or scroll down to read this final chapter. Enjoy!


Regina Lee is a BODYCOMBAT® and RPM® Presenter from Indonesia. She took her BODYCOMBAT IMT in 2004 and successfully became a Presenter in 2007. LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELESwas her first Masterclass filming experience.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

RL: It was thrilling and amazing; it’s hard for me to describe in words. The experiences were all WOW. I learned a lot from different Presenters from all around the globe plus Dan, Rachael and Vili. It was overwhelming, yet very exciting because they showed how should we prepare ourselves professionally for the people in front of us – all 2,200 of them – yet at the same time, also film for Instructors, Les Mills+ and others around the globe.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

RL: Professionalism. Get into the zone, but at the same time have fun while you are doing it (enjoy and embrace every moment).

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

RL: I received lots from Rachael on how teaching into the essence, while also showing the Muay Thai essence from my Asian side. Dan Cohen asked me to organise in the beginning, and he taught me basics for Les Mills+ and filming; Vili kept reminding me that "when you are in the middle, look at the camera with green/red light"! And last, but not least, Stephanie Angkieriwang, the our LMAP Program Coach, helped me to get into the mindset and how and why to teach for this track by giving me lots of ideas.

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

RL: Get fully prepared and learn lots of things outside of BODYCOMBAT. By doing lots of practice in boxing, Muay Thai and other types of training, you’ll get the real fighting feels which you can then bring to filming.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

RL: The goosebumps, rehearsals, and teamwork of the Les Mills family! I LOVE THOSE MOMENTS THE MOST! When you stand there with the camera on you, in your mind you say “This is it! Let’s change the world to be a better place – healthier and happier – and together we will get stronger!”

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

RL: Just do it! This is a way to share how much you love the program with the people in front of you. Always, always be open to receive feedback; never give up; and keep learning. Also, "Live what you love!"

Joscelin Campbell (BODYATTACK #RELEASE 122)

Joscelin Campbell is a BODYATTACK® and BODYPUMP® Presenter from Australia. She took her BODYATTACK IMT in 2015 and successfully became a Presenter in 2023. LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELES was her first Masterclass filming experience.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

JC: Getting to know and work with Instructors from around the world, connecting with our fellow LMAP teammates and being in the presence of some iconic people in our industry was an opportunity and experience of a lifetime.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this experience?

JC: We were lucky enough to work one-on-one with Lisa in the lead-up, as we prepared a lot of our tracks from home. Lisa worked with us on what was the most important thing to say, to get the most out of our coaching and participants; there was an emphasis on connection and feel! It was also really eye-opening to see the many things that go into the filming of a Masterclass, from behind the scenes, filming sequences, and wardrobe selections’ through to stage placements and the planning of options, previews and finale poses.

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

JC: Lisa worked with us a lot in the preparation and provided so many tips and gave us all a great pep talk at our final rehearsal on the morning of filming. She spoke about working as a team and how the little things don’t matter, so just have fun! Our Head Coach, Brayden, said “Turn your energy into excitement, go out there and have fun! You’ve done all the work so just enjoy the moment!” — this is something Gina and I reminded ourselves of, as we walked to the stage

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

JC: Go for it. Your goals should scare and excite you at the same time. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, Believe in yourself and the hard work you put in to get there. We should live a life full of “oh well at least I tried”, rather than ‘what ifs’!

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

JC: The most exciting part of filming was the lead up: the prep and the rehearsal. When you look up and BODYATTACK icons are doing your class! The wardrobe fittings made it feel real and it was also pretty cool waiting to run on stage with our flags! The most unexpected part was the memories and connections created offstage with my fellow LMAP teammates. When I look back at the week, these are the memories that come to mind first. Not the moments on the stage.

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

JC: It’s exactly what someone told me when I said I was thinking about it. “You will never regret becoming an Instructor!” I always think to myself ‘if you can’t stop thinking about it, don’t stop working towards it!’

Bobby Santoso (RPM #RELEASE 100)

Bobby Santoso is an RPM® Presenter from Indonesia. He took his RPM IMT in 2012 and successfully became a Presenter in 2014. Like many of our Presenter team from Australia and Southeast Asia, LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELESwas Bobby’s first experience of a Masterclass filming.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

BS: It was such an eye-opener to see how much effort goes into behind-the-scenes and production, to make sure the end product is awesome. Everyone from the production team, coaches, and Presenters are working hand-in-hand beautifully, to ensure this simultaneous live and filming event is an unforgettable experience for every participant. This made me appreciate our Releases even more now.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

BS: The impact of learning from some of the best around. The peers, the learning, scripting, practising, team synchronising, and feedback sessions made for a packed learning process, which has definitely taken my teaching to another level.

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

BS: Mr Glen said, “It’s easy for us to dial up the energy, but can you dial down the energy when it’s high and when it needs to be?” This is then detailed by Mr Lee Smith in the practice sessions who said, “The peak is always 100%, and that’s why we need to get the contrast. You get it from all the other stuff that happened before, like ‘how do I shape my language?’, ‘how I do get everyone to get there?’ The deeper you make the valley, the higher the peak becomes.” This advice actually changed our team track scripting almost 100% from what we had pre-prepared.

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

BS: Tick the boxes and be natural. Amplify your strength, bring the natural essence of you, and just let it shine instead of trying to impress everyone.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

BS: Being the first program to film on day 1, and the 100th Release of RPM was cause for celebration! Everyone was nervous. We had a big team of 17 people and we had to swap and adjust bikes on every track within 30 seconds. All went really smoothly, as practised, and maybe better because we didn’t have to do a single retake! It created such an emotional feeling for the participants who were there for the filming process.

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

BS: Ask yourself if you truly truly love the program, and if you do then don’t hold it back. Go out there be the next generation of inspiration, and keep the circle growing to change more lives and help people Choose Happy.

Karola Schulz-Misic (LES MILLS GRIT #RELEASE 46)

Karola Schulz-Misic is a LES MILLS GRIT®, BODYATTACK® and BODYCOMBAT® Presenter from Australia. She took her GRIT IMT in 2013 and successfully became a Presenter in 2018. LES MILLS LIVE Los Angeles was Karola’s first time presenting LES MILLS GRIT in a Masterclass filming, although she has shadowed on previous Releases in other programs.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

KSM: Amazing experience! Felt so prepared and supported the whole way through the filming process and the energy on filming day was incredible. I learned and gained so much out of the experience.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

KSM: Doing the work and preparation so I could really lean into my strengths and be 100% in the moment on filming day.

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

KSM: How to be physically prepared for the filming stage and not to go. Filming is hot on stage from all the lights, body heat, energy in the room and the adrenaline, which can consume your energy. So, not going "full hundies in the warm-up" to ensure technique and form remained a role model standard from start to finish – thanks Erin Maw!

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

KSM: Getting feedback from Erin, Bryce and Rob was exciting but also nervy! The lead up to getting on the stage was so exciting. Little booties over my shoes so my shoes didn't get dirty, right up to when we got on to the stage – it was all unexpected. 🙃

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

KSM: Absolutely chase that passion. Share your love and your energy with more people. You won't regret the journey and you will be so much richer for it. ✨️

Siobhan Ozanne (BODYSTEP #RELEASE 133)

Siobhan Ozanne is a BODYSTEP® and BODYCOMBAT® Presenter from Australia. She took her BODYSTEP IMT in 2020 and successfully became a Presenter in 2022. LES MILLS LIVE Los Angeles was her first Masterclass filming experience.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

SO: The filming experience was on another level. It’s so hard to believe all the work that goes in behind the scenes when we watch the masterclasses at home. I was blown away not only by the experience of presenting BODYSTEP, but by how many different people and departments it takes to create a release.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

SO: Preparation is key! If you are 100% around the things you can control (knowing your choreography, planning your script, mastering your technique), then you are free to be you in the moments that follow. That’s where the magic is!

LMAP: Did you receive any great filming or preparation tips, and if so, what were they and who did they come from?

SO: Mark and KB were so wonderful and nurturing in the lead up to filming. There were so many amazing tips and tricks they gave us, but I think the one I loved the most was “be no one but you!”

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

SO: Say ‘yes’ to every opportunity that is presented to you, even if it’s something small, something hard or something that scares you. Everything will lead you to your goal in small steps.

What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

SO: I’d never presented BODYSTEP to more than 50 people, so seeing nearly 2,000 steps set up for filming was a moment I’ll never forget!

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

SO: Do it! This is a life-changing move for you and for the people who will be in your classes. I know there is so much fear when doing something new, but just remember... you don’t have to be great at something when you first start, but you do have to start to be great at something! And you will be!


Gina Bryant is a BODYATTACK® and LES MILLS CORE® Presenter from Australia. She took her BODYATTACK IMT in 2002 and successfully became a Presenter in 2020. For Gina, LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELESwas her first time experiencing a Masterclass filming.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

GB: The whole experience was truly a career highlight. The preparation was a time of growth, and learning from the master herself, Lisa Osborne, was a pleasure. The practices were challenging and exciting and definitely a highlight as we had some amazing and inspiring people in the room. Never did I ever think I would be teaching alongside Amy Styles and Mandi Hirini! Lisa and her amazing team (Liam, Florry and Robbie) got us all ready and prepared for the big day. To be honest, the filming was a complete out-of-body experience and seemed to go so fast; although later, I found out it took 2.5 hours. I do remember the music just before we were about to run on stage, and it still gives me goosebumps. The crowd was loud and energised and the class was amazing! I can't wait for you all to get it soon. We celebrated as a team after filming with a spa, dinner and the Barbie movie with lots of treats. It was the best! Overall, my favourite part of filming was spending time with my LMAP teammates who are just the greatest group of people and meeting so many amazing athletes in the wider Les Mills family. We are truly part of something special.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

GB: Being in a room with such inspiring, like-minded people really does drive excellence and growth in the whole team. This was incredible to witness.

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

GB: Lisa helped us with our preparation. We sent her videos of us teaching our tracks and she gave us helpful feedback on our movement and teaching. It was amazing to learn from the best.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

GB: I had no idea we would be practising our Release on some of the best Instructors who I have idolised for so many years! These were classes that I will never forget.

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

GB: You won't regret it. You will be joining the most amazing team of Instructors in the world. Go into your IMT open-minded and ready to soak it all in. Get an inspiring mentor who will help you all the way through, and work hard because no one can deny you of that.

Click to read Part 1 or Part 2 in this article series.


Les Mills Asia Pacific