Together Again

by Sarah Shortt

It’s been a long time coming, but many Instructors are finally getting to return to what they do best: deliver live, in-person classes. We asked the global Instructor team how it feels to be back in the studio.

“I nearly cried tears of joy”: Laura Weigel

I even decided on lighter weights, because I was concerned that I was so excited my adrenaline wouldn't allow me to feel pain if I overdid it! It's amazing to be back, right where I’m supposed to be. The members feel grateful for us being there as well.

“Our member base is growing every single month”: Michelle Doggrell Wilson

I’ve been back for a year now, but every time I teach I feel the same excitement of that first day back! It’s so good to see everyone’s smiling faces and hearing how they are excited to be training together. And we have an amazing team of Instructors who support one another... the members can feel the positive vibes!

“The strength, encouragement, camaraderie, and fun we have TOGETHER is unsurpassed!”: Susan Green-Quigley

We all know we can stay fit at home, but who wants to be so isolated? It’s about being with people!

“While I look forward to teaching a packed class one day, I am grateful for this deeper experience”: Paula Akompong

I'm enjoying having smaller class sizes and not cramming equipment in a packed room. I'm remembering members' names and building connections. This has allowed me to target my coaching specifically to them in a meaningful way. Members have told me they love that I offer options and explain the reasons behind form correction and muscle activation.

“A part of me that had been ripped away during the pandemic had come back, better than ever”: Marina Abrahams

I have been back to teaching, albeit only at one facility, since September 2020. We’ve been masked for the last eight months, but this Tuesday will mark the first time we can train without masks! It's been so amazing being back, even with masks. I'm getting chills thinking of seeing my participants faces in full!

“I finally realised putting my stamp on a pre-choreographed class is what the members actually want, not a polished video presentation”: Sam Joe

The best thing about being back teaching live classes has to be the togetherness and group energy. It’s like nothing else. A countless number of members have remarked that the intensity just isn’t the same when you're working out alone at home. The fact that a member will choose to make it out to a scheduled class and eschew convenience for the better experience, is truly humbling. Even prior to the pandemic, I took pride in my class preparation. But with so many options both virtual and in-person, it's now more important than ever to stand out and deliver a unique fitness experience that the member simply cannot get from replaying a Masterclass video over and over. I discovered that I can be authentically me. It's so amazing that we're able to do, once again, what was coldly taken from us. In every class I've felt an overflow of gratitude from the members.

“I stress less about presenting perfect choreography, and focus more on connecting to the members”: Valerie Chen

I did a lot of On Demand classes while I wasn’t teaching, and I realised that the big missing piece of the puzzle was being SEEN. Now that I’m back to teaching, I stress less about presenting perfect choreography, and focus more on connecting to the members so they feel seen and recognised for being there. I am only a poor copycat of the Masterclass presenters for a lot of things, but I can be there in the room for my members and recognise their willingness to show up and give it their all.

“Members are happy to be back because the in- person energy is unbeatable”: Jessica Denise Dickson

That’s what I most hear from my participants on being back in live classes.

“So much YES. We got through to the other side, together”: Carole Tarrant


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