You’re more than “just” an Instructor

In the hustle and bustle of club land, where you might only spend an hour or two per week teaching a class – it’s easy to feel like a minor part of the business. But do you realise how far above your weight you are punching with even a single class?

By teaching your one class you are contributing to member acquisition and member retention – which over a year can mean big business for a club: think about that one participant in your class that never (ever!) misses one of your classes: at say $20/week for an average gym membership – that person is valued at over $1,000 worth of business to your facility every year. And multiply that by how many other participants are in the same boat – we are talking serious value. Can a treadmill boast the same relationship and bragging rights as a Les Mills trained Instructor?

But don’t listen to us – the stats are in:

According to the TRP Customer Engagement Academy Research Report (2018), members who regularly take part in gym workouts and group exercise classes just once a week are 20% more likely to be loyal to a club than those attending their gym three times a week unassisted (like on a treadmill). In addition to this, 45% of group fitness members visit their gym 5+ times per week versus 34% for all gym members. Go you!

So next time you teach your class, realise that you are not only contributing to the health and well-being of the people in-front of you, you are helping members fall in love with their club which contributes to the livelihood of your colleagues.

Not bad for an hour’s worth of work eh?


Les Mills Asia Pacific