by Les Mills Asia Pacific

LES MILLS LIVE Melbourne created group fitness history, when Australia’s largest ever LES MILLS TONE® class took place on Sunday 14th August 2022 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

“LES MILLS TONE is an amazing hybrid program that allows participants to get a whole body, cross-training workout of cardio, strength and core in a 45-minute class,” says Rhett Watts, a LES MILLS TONE Presenter, Trainer and Instructor. “The research and exercise physiology behind the class format and exercises, ensures that anyone can do the class at their preferred intensity; and over time, they’ll see fantastic results and progress towards their fitness and health goals.”

New Zealand-based Khiran Huston, is the brains (in conjunction with Diana Archer Mills) behind the choreography for LES MILLS TONE, and was front and centre on the LES MILLS LIVE Melbourne stage, leading this history-making class.

“I love the inclusivity of this program,” she says. “When Diana and I choreograph, we ensure the low impact options are just as incredible and cutting-edge as the high impact options. We think about everyone and spend a lot of time curating music and moves so they are optimal for our participants. We are always researching and exploring new ways to get people moving that are exciting, fresh and of course fun.”

Shelley Townsend (Sydney) is the Team Coach for LES MILLS TONE in Australia and Southeast Asia, and has been teaching LES MILLS TONE since Release 1, which was launched 4.5 years ago. “LES MILLS LIVE Melbourne was the best large-scale fitness event I have ever been a part of, and, in my 30+ years in the industry, I’ve been a part of quite a few! The pinnacle for me was the inclusion of our program on the main stage, with superstar Presenters, Khiran, Vili and Bas! They were amazing to work with. We gelled well as a team, had fun in rehearsal, and tried a couple of crazy things when on stage to share the fun of the program with our participants. It was definitely the biggest, most responsive TONE class I have ever been a part of!”

Rhett Watts (Melbourne) is a LES MILLS TONE Presenter who has earned the nickname among the Trainer, Assessor and Presenter team as “The King of LES MILLS TONE”. He says, “LES MILLS TONE is a great hybrid program that gives members everything they want in one workout. It is accessible to all participants, new and experienced, due to being such an inclusive and fun program. It also allows participants to have longevity in their workouts and so maintains and builds member retention. There really is no other program like LES MILLS TONE, so it offers something unique, versatile and different to any club’s group fitness timetable.”

“There are numerous reasons why right now is the perfect time for clubs to introduce LES MILLS TONE,” Shelley says. “Members are coming back to the clubs after long breaks from exercise and they need programs that offer loads of options. Plus, this is a program they can stick with, as their fitness evolves. Many have turned to online platforms such as LES MILLS+ and have tried and loved LES MILLS TONE so are now ready to try a live class; . Evidence of this is the number of ‘consumers’ (non-Instructors) in TONE at LES MILLS LIVE Melbourne! Because routines have been enormously disturbed and changed due to the pandemic, people are more willing to try something new and outside what they used to do.”

Rhett agrees, adding “Each weekly TONE class I teach has outstanding numbers and are consistently among the best-performing classes on the timetable. If I look at the members who regularly come to LES MILLS TONE every week, it is diverse with all abilities and ages. I even have families who do it together, along with groups of young people who go to the same schools, or in sporting teams.”

“The retention of members returning for LES MILLS TONE is very high. When I ask them why they love the program, the feedback received is always positive. I’ve received comments such as:

  • ‘The workout is amazing. It is one of the only classes that gives you everything in 45 minutes’ ‘
  • The results I have got with my fitness and body from doing TONE consistently over the years has been amazing. I feel stronger, have become leaner and noticed changes across my whole body’
  • ‘The program caters for everyone so I can bring my friends who are new to the gym, know they will like it and find it achievable at any level.’

To anyone considering becoming a LES MILLS TONE Instructor, Khiran says “It’s a great program to teach because it’s easy and fast to learn. The music is energising, fun and often ahead of the curve; and TONE allows Instructors the ability to be athletic, while being themselves.”

Shelley adds, “If you want to teach LES MILLS TONE, you should partner with a club and at least one other potential Instructor to train together and then launch TONE locally. Likewise, clubs interested is adding LES MILLS TONE to their timetable should find at least two Instructors who are interested, and support them as they train, including guaranteeing them classes to teach when they are ready.”

“Instructors need longevity in the programs they teach. It’s a mistake to only teach high impact exercise and expect you are going to still be doing it 30 years on! LES MILLS TONE offers this longevity through the high and low options for each movement; the functionality of the program, which safeguards an Instructor’s own body; and the variety of movement planes which helps avoid overuse and overload injuries. Teaching TONE or expanding your existing teaching repertoire to include this program will help you stay fit for an even longer teaching career. Of course, in addition to the athleticism of TONE is the enormous element of fun! Part of the Essence of this Les Mills program is to ensure everyone feels successful and uplifted – every class!”

The LES MILLS TONE Presenter team at LES MILLS LIVE Melbourne

To find a LES MILLS TONE class nearby click here. Or to explore becoming a LES MILLS TONE Instructor click here.


Les Mills Asia Pacific