Born and raised in Kuching, Sarawak, Kenny Sia needs no introduction. Once Malaysia’s best-known blogger and TV personality, Kenny is the Executive Director of Level Up Fitness and a certified Les Mills RPM instructor. For those who do not know, Level Up Fitness is the largest fitness chain in East Malaysia with 13 outlets nationwide, offering both premium full service fitness experiences and a 24-hour low-cost gym Level Up Fitness Xpress.

Kenny was in awe when he experienced his first Les Mills BODYPUMP and BODYCOMBAT class during his stint in Australia. He especially noticed the fitness culture, as almost all his peers led an active lifestyle. He saw first-hand how powerful these programs were for the mind and body.

With this new found passion, Kenny could not wait to come back home and share this with his friends and family. At the time, Les Mills was not heard of in Sarawak. He immediately started the process of setting up a gym and becoming a certified Les Mills RPM instructor.

“Truth is there’s no secret sauce – just patience, persistence and willingness to learn."

After 9 years of being a RPM instructor, Kenny says the most rewarding part is seeing his members get inspired and excited to come to class. He loves seeing his members transform whether they’re in class or up on stage during an audition. Becoming an instructor has also helped him with his confidence and has encouraged him to pursue a healthier lifestyle.

When asked what is the key to being a great instructor, Kenny says it’s the personal interaction that instructors have with their members, on and off stage.

“Every seasoned expert starts off as a beginner. Anyone telling you there’s a shortcut to success is lying.”

When Kenny is not teaching, he wears the hat of Executive Director. From making the tough business decisions to reading reports, his dual roles behind the cycles and the desk goes hand in hand.

What does he do to shake the blues away? Play with his cheeky little 3-year-old son! (I mean, look at that face!)

We asked Kenny to tell us 8 fun facts about himself. Here’s what he had to say:

1. Most unusual item in your bag?

I’m sure I’m not the only person in the gym carrying around a bottle of Tiger Balm in my backpack right?

Tiger Balm is awesome – it relieves headaches, muscle aches, mosquito bites and if you see someone you don’t like, you can leave some on their coffee cup.

2. Guilty pleasure?

Eating Dorito’s chips while watching a movie (perfect combo!)

3. Favourite motivational quote?

“Pain is Temporary, Pride Lasts Forever.”

A stranger held up this sign during the final stretch of a 42km marathon run I was participating in a while ago. My body was falling apart, but that was enough motivation to keep me running through the finishing line.

4. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Gym owners who promise the world to their members, fail to deliver and leave the mess for others to clean up.

5. If the world was ending today, who would you call and why?

Why so sad?! I would call my son and tell him I love him with all my heart, in this world and in the next.

6. Describe your life in a movie?

Forrest Gump. Just an ordinary guy, blessed with great opportunities, living my best life.

7. What are the best and worst purchases you’ve made?

Best – My POLAR Vantage M activity tracking watch. If I ever fall behind on my fitness, it’ll tell me to get off my butt and start working.

Worst – A Sony Playstation 4. There are better ways to live a life than sitting on a couch playing video games.

8. What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?

For our 9th anniversary charity event, my team at Level Up Fitness convinced me to raise funds for charity by doing a POLE DANCE. I can tell by the horrified look on people’s faces that it was a very bad idea!

And to those who are keen on becoming a Les Mills instructor, here’s what Kenny wants you to know:


But more important than choreography, is working on your charisma and stage presence. That’s what separates GREAT group fitness instructors from the GOOD ones.

Even if you’re feeling absolutely terrified, once you’re on stage – fake it until you make it!

We have all been there!


Les Mills Asia Pacific