by Les Mills

The LES MILLS On Demand platform is being rebranded to “LES MILLS+”.

From early October 2021, the new name for LES MILLS On Demand will be “LES MILLS+”.

This is not just a name change for the world-leading workouts on-demand – it’s so much more.

LES MILLS+ members are set to get more personalisation, more tracking, more motivation, more rewards, and more results. And there’s even more in the pipeline – the innovation will be ongoing as we bridge the gap between live and home workout experiences, to make LES MILLS+ the ultimate digital fitness partner for your club.


When COVID sparked a massive digital fitness boom, LES MILLS On Demand had to quickly adapt and support all our global partners. We landed in 116 markets and grew exponentially, and things have continued to thrive in this space. But as we’ve grown, so too has the digital fitness landscape – so we need to secure our position as THE world-class, premium solution in-market.

We are much more than just workouts ‘on demand’. Alongside our partners, we are the industry’s only omnichannel fitness experience, delivering world-leading content, powered by science to maximise results, crafted to incredible music; and presented by some of the world’s leading Instructors. Now, more than ever, we need our platform to match up to this.

So, as of the 4th of October, LES MILLS On Demand will become LES MILLS+ across all platforms and touchpoints.


This is so much more than just a name change. The move to LES MILLS+ symbolises how, over time, we’ll be adding to our offering and enhancing the experience for members.

Soon, they’ll be able to experience the same unstoppable combination of world-leading Instructors, science-backed moves, and hot music that they love when live in class and at home. There’ll also be:

+ More tracking

+ More motivation

+ More results.

We want members to be stronger, fitter, happier and healthier. We want them to be their best with LES MILLS+.


The LES MILLS+ web experience is about to get personal!

Personalised dashboard and recommendations

Bringing members, a more personalised and dynamic experience is essential to helping them build a fitness habit. Therefore, we’re bringing in a personalised dashboard with workout recommendations, educational articles, and much more. To make it as easy as possible to get started, the app homepage will also be personalised, ensuring easy access to the workouts and programs that members love.

Curated journeys

We’re also working to address the reasons users struggle to maintain motivation. Integral to this, is helping them to visualise the progress they’re making, and providing them a more curated journey from the outset. The LES MILLS+ app will help members track and monitor their progress, suggest the best workouts based on their behaviour, and get them excited to work out.

Tracking, history, and monitoring progress

We also know how hard it is for some people to stay motivated, so we've made getting involved in a challenge much easier - no more searching for workouts or forgetting what day the members started on. We also want to ensure members can track their workouts, and easily see the history of what they did, when and how many times.


And there’s more to come! The innovation will be ongoing as we develop LES MILLS+ to bridge the gap between live and home workout experiences, and to make LES MILLS+ the ultimate digital fitness partner for your club.


Far from being simple stop-gaps to tide the industry over during the COVID pandemic, live-stream and on-demand have become vital additions to clubs’ long-term digital offerings, with 8 per cent of subscribers planning to continue using them post-pandemic (2021 Les Mills Global Fitness Report).

While live fitness experiences will remain the pinnacle, the digital fitness boom and the growth of home working mean today’s fitness consumers demand a seamlessly connected fitness experience, which offers convenience and enables them to maintain a more active lifestyle.

Seamlessly linking live and digital will be key to a club’s future success. High-class digital offerings can help clubs win new fans online, build brand affinity, and then eventually convert them to becoming full members of the club.

Two reasons: Firstly, ‘On Demand’ is a term that reflects video streaming. Whilst video is a core part of how Les Mills delivers our world class content, we know our app is so much more than that. We wanted to reflect the extra features the app provides, and the premium nature of the Les Mills brand, hence ‘+’. Just to be sure, we validated the name change through research with both prospect and existing consumers. They prefer LES MILLS+, with ‘+’ having strong connotations to premium-ness and added benefits. The second reason is that is that app stores don’t let you have two app listings with the same name!

We know that introducing a new app to people is always a challenge. So, to introduce this new experience in a safe and non-scary way, we began with a soft launch first. This meant the new app was available as beta in selected markets first, while still allowing subscribers to continue using LES MILLS On Demand if they wanted to. The new app has soft launched in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, UK and USA. By the end of 2021, we hope to have this live in all countries where our digital offering is available.

Subscribers' existing login details will work across both LES MILLS On Demand and LES MILLS+ across both app and web platforms.

Simply search the App Store or Google Play for “LES MILLS+”. It needs to be downloaded and installed separately to the existing LES MILLS On Demand app.

We are confident that members will love the LES MILLS+ experience so much more than LES MILLS On Demand, that we will be removing the app from iOS app stores for subscribers who are new to the platform. That means, new subscribers will only be able to download LES MILLS+. But don’t worry, if they aren’t ready yet and want to stay using LES MILLS On Demand they can.

The rollout plan for when the LES MILLS On Demand app is removed from app stores is different per market. Please refer to this rollout plan for specific details.

We want to make sure members have enough time to get used to and enjoy the new LES MILLS+ app experience; therefore, we do not have plans this year to force a migration to LES MILLS+.

To find out about becoming an Affiliate Partner, enabling your club to revenue-share from subscriber sign-ups, contact your local Business Partnership Manager in Australia or Southeast Asia.


Les Mills Asia Pacific