Following are the answers to the questions that were unable to be addressed during the Q&A webinar with Ryan Hogan. 

YES! And we're sharing them in a special Instructor webinar, which is part of our Education series. You can find out more and register to attend at - and this particular session is called "Top Tips for Teaching to Camera".

Oh yes there seems to have been much "fattening" of the curve during iso! But in all seriousness, Les Mills is working on a set of guidelines to help instructors make modifications that might be required, in order to comply with physical distancing requirements. Remember to use the tools in your Instructor Kit, such as SMART START to help you deliver clear and achievable options for your participants.

Right from the start of this pandemic, we've been supporting our Club Partners and Instructors in as many ways as we can., and the Q2 Release will be no exception. While we can't provide the new release for free, we will be offering a discount on purchasing the Q2 Releases.

We did touch briefly on this during the Q&A webinar, but Instructors should contact their clubs directly to access or discuss live-streaming, since the permission to deliver this type of class format lies with the club via their social media channels, rather than individual Instructors.

Unfortunately, due to very strict music licensing and copyright restrictions, live-streaming Les Mills programs and the music is not permitted. We did try and negotiate a workaround, but this was not successful. We did, however, manage to create the temporary workouts using original music, for live-streaming purposes, which is what you could talk to your club about tapping into. Fortunately, with clubs hopefully reopening soon, you'll be able to revisit all your favourite programs and start teaching again soon.

Due to the inability to currently engage our existing team of Presenters and Squad members to present at workshops we have deferred any planned Squad Try-outs until further notice (as there are no definite plans for live workshops in Q3 - or even what Q4 looks like, we are unsure what restrictions will be in place that limit gatherings of people). As is the case for many businesses during this time, we are unable commit resourcing towards recruitment of any type in our business. Once we can begin delivering live experiences again, we would then begin to plan for future Squad Tryouts.

Online Initial Training (IT) requires a rethink around the way we currently do things. There's lots of details to work out for LMAP but we're moving quickly to find an online training solution that still maintains the high quality of education training outcome and trainee experience that Les Mills is known for.

In an online version of IT, Instructors would be required to do a little more pre-work, which means they will be coming into the training more prepared. The trainer is able to tell before the training starts where a trainee's development needs are and can cater the online technique clinics to what the trainee's needs are. It's early days, of course, but we know from other markets (US, for example) that instructors are finding the online training environment conducive to learning, as there is a little more space in the training days to practice and apply the skills they are learning.

Instructors are still encouraged to work with a mentor in their clubs as they work towards certification.

We foresee that there would still be many opportunities for instructors to demonstrate the practical requirements of GEL, if they did complete their IT online. As we've said, stay tuned because as more information on this evolves, we'll be sure to share it with our Instructor Tribe.

We will be looking at each training on a case-by-case basis, as clubs will be re-opening with different restrictions based on states and country guidelines. We would encourage you to use this time to get really familiar with your training release and keep yourself program fit. We are committed to providing a Day 3 experience that allows you to get the most out the day by receiving valuable feedback and upskilling, and so a certain amount of time will be provided for trainees to have the opportunity to team teach.

We would recommend you start by attending classes so you can experience the latest release. If you didn't certify in your program previously, booking into a Day 3 when we are able to run them again This will provide you with the chance to not only certify, but also receive the most current information about your program - since you last taught, your program(s) may have evolved. Day 3 will give you lots of feedback from a Trainer, plus you'll participate in two upskill sessions.

Check out the Les Mills Releases application under the Education tab, to access information about the latest developments for your program and other tips to help you with getting back to Instructing. Be sure to check the following videos: Coaching: Internal & External, Layer 2 Coaching: The Art of Mastery and Meaningful Coaching. We look forward to welcoming you back!

When your club reopens, it will most likely do so with strict new hygiene regulations and procedures in place. This could include things like physical distancing, cleaning procedures, increased time between classes, shorter duration classes, participant floor boundaries, or similar. Your club should have some type of re-onboarding process when they open or in the lead up to doing so, which is when they would typically inform Instructors of all these changes. We will also share tips for hygiene and how to keep yourself safe, so be sure to keep an eye out for this information, which will be published on Brand Central for clubs, and via social media for Instructors.

Check out the Les Mills Releases application under the Education tab, to access information about the latest developments for your program and other tips to help you with getting back to Instructing. Be sure to check the following videos: Coaching: Internal & External, Layer 2 Coaching: The Art of Mastery and Meaningful Coaching. We look forward to welcoming you back!

Hopefully soon! Your best bet is to check with Fitness First directly. Your club should have some type of re-onboarding process when they open or in the lead up to doing so, which is when they would typically inform Instructors of the changes. We will also share tips for hygiene and how to keep yourself safe, so be sure to keep an eye out for this information, which will be published on Brand Central for clubs, and via social media for Instructors.

This initiative is something you can speak to your local Business Partnership Manager about. You can contact the Australian BPM team at or the Southeast Asian BPM team at

Fitness Australia (supported by many organisations including LMAP) are in the process of lobbying the state and federal governments to try and ensure that when the fitness industry can open, it can open in a manner that is commercially viable but also safe for patrons and staff. We believe there is precedent from other markets that have opened already (New Zealand, Sweden, China) and done so safely that can set a good precedent for Australia and South East Asia to follow suit. I suspect there will always be a demand for GFI's and the great work that they (we!) do, although the environment in which we operate may be different in some ways.

Whilst there will definitely be a pick up of in club Virtual and at home Les Mills On Demand workouts, there will also continue to be work for qualified and passionate instructors. It is quite likely that clubs will have to run more classes, with reduced capacities to ensure they are servicing their members.

Yes, we'd love The Trip adopted by the masses throughout the region - it's such a compelling and unique program that delivers outstanding results isn't it? But of course, only time will tell if/when that will happen. Program uptake typically relies on a club's budget, space, staffing, demographic among other elements. If your local club doesn't yet offer The Trip, it certainly can't hurt you letting them know how much you love it and why.

Les Mills Barre is still very much in its infancy and as such is taking some time to find its feet, so to speak. If you think back to LM Sprint, Sh'Bam or CXWORX, all relatively new compared to the original 7, it takes time for the programs first all of all settle in to their essence, and second to get a wider market adoption. I suspect the same with happen with Barre.

Les Mills Yoga!