by Les Mills Asia Pacific

Les Mills Asia Pacific asked Frank Lennard (Glen Eira Leisure) for his top tips to creating a high-quality live-streaming experience for members and participants.

Glen Eira Leisure invested specific budget funding to install a sophisticated audio visual system inside the Club for recording classes; but with the extended lockdown in Victoria dictating that they return to at-home delivery, the organisation has been ensuring their live-streaming Instructors are well supported to produce highly professional classes.

“What we've got in-Club is a digital setup where our sound feeds digitally into a laptop, and we've got cameras set up to cover the studio from multi-angles. It's not quite as professional as the Les Mills workshops which are amazing, but it's pretty good!” explained Frank Lennard, the Group Fitness and Programs Team Leader at Glen Eira Leisure. “But having Instructors live-stream workouts from their home doesn't need to be an expensive undertaking.”

“We encourage our Instructors to use a good quality camera – most modern smartphones do the trick – and for optimal sound quality, we recommend they use airpods. We advise them to do lots of testing of their equipment beforehand by rehearsing, recording their practise sessions and then watching it back to see what the quality of the stream is like – test, listen and adjust is our key advice. And it can all be done on a budget.”

“If possible Instructors should seek support from their Club, but if there’s nothing available then it’s worth buying the equipment themselves, because it is most likely to be a legitimate tax deduction (ask your accountant or financial advisor to confirm). It's a short-term investment for long-term delivery,” explained Frank.

For more tips to maximise the quality of your live-streamed workouts, visit or contact your local Les Mills Asia Pacific’s Business Partnership Manager in Australia or Southeast Asia to find out how.


Les Mills Asia Pacific