by Program Directors

We are absolutely thrilled to bring you these extra special Releases, choreographed and filmed during lockdown in New Zealand, and starring guest presenters from around the globe. These releases will be celebrated in our special World United event which begins on Saturday 19th September 2020, a global movement to celebrate the return of fitness and its importance to our physical and mental health.

These releases are so special they don't have numbers; they are the UNITED releases! We will pick up the release numbers as normal from Q4.


You are going to love the music in BODYATTACK UNITED! It’s a mix of sing–along songs and modern sounds to help push you through the peaks and deliver the benefits of BODYATTACK. This release has a hugely positive feel, with so many opportunities to share the BODYATTACK energy. The choreography is simple and easy to learn, allowing you maximum opportunity to create a connection with your members.

The workout kicks off with a high-energy dance track to set the mood, followed by a fun, percussive beat for Mixed Impact with a lower-body focus. You’ll have a chance to party early in the workout with the Aerobic classic, Physical. Let go and your participants will follow!

The Plyometric track is challenging. It will have you lunging and snowboarding up and down mountains to drive the intensity, with plenty of options so everyone feels successful. Athletic Strength focuses on unilateral movements to train balance and strength on both sides of the body equally.

You and your participants will enjoy the new sound for the Agility track as we train speed and fast reactions. The highlight of this track is the rugby training feel, which delivers an authentic sports vibe. The Interval track is a well-loved song, remixed to sound fresh and modern. Sing your heart out!

BODYATTACK is not just a workout I make up and then pass on – but a class that is made with love and hope: hope that people feel the positive benefits of this workout physically, but also emotionally. BODYATTACK can keep you feeling happy even when things are tough – I feel this every time I do the class and hope that the world can also feel this from their involvement in BODYATTACK. I hope that this class brings people joy, hope and happiness. Smiles all round!


This release was created under such singular circumstances. The two of us were separated, as so many of you – our global family – have been from one another and your families. The joy of creating this Release was different. Usually, we relish the opportunity to be together – we spend hours chatting and choreographing, discussing details, sometimes arguing. But our separation this time meant that the formulation of the class was the only goal, and while we mourned our lack of physical proximity, we discovered the joy of simple shared yoga practice, over an unstable FaceTime connection.

Therefore, this is a very internal class. One to go through alone with your thoughts, and we also found, one that creates a bond when you’re together. Because that’s what we are all searching for right now, right? Something to hold onto, to ground us and lift us up when it feels too hard to go on.

Some of the highlights are: the most glorious Balance track, created to make us and our participants feel the power in our amazing bodies and also to be a little “daring”. In the Back Track, we play with the idea of building strength with grace and control. This is a true workout for the postural muscles as we explore some glorious spinal extensions. Dolphin Pose is back to strengthen and stretch the shoulders, arms, upper back and legs. This pose helps to bring flexibility to the spine, hamstrings and calves. In addition, it provides all of the benefits of Down Dog, including relief from headaches, insomnia, fatigue and mild depression.

Please take this class and breathe. Enjoy the sensation of moving your body and feeling your heart beat. We are United.

q3 release


Hundreds of Trainers from around the globe came together to show how we can be truly connected during these strange times. BODYCOMBAT United is a testament to the power of “we are better together”. You’re going to see some familiar faces on screen and enjoy the “up close and personal” feeling of Dan and Rach speaking directly to camera. You will see first-hand some amazing shots such as the Eiffel Tower, Stonehenge, a helipad on a high-rise building, a Chinese temple and more!

This workout has a strong focus on what we call “THE DOUBLE B”. This is where we “Break” each move down to help participants with mastery and then “Build” the combos back up to deliver the magic and training effect!

We use rhythm changes to increase timing efficiency in Track 2 and incorporate Power Punches to build core, back and shoulder strength. Track 5 is about variety, with lots of options to suit everyone. Watch out for the cardio kicker at the end! Track 6 is a slower-paced, low-loaded, athletic Capoeira, a great opportunity to bring the pace and intensity of the class down a notch before we head into the Muay Thai track, designed to enhance skill acquisition as well as deliver short intensity spikes to the heart rate. This track really brings the party!

Our final power track has a huge focus on cardio and power training, utilizing both lateral jumps and tuck jumps. Finally, the core track is pure isolation training for the upper and lower abs and the obliques. It’s a short, yet challenging track, with a simple rhythm. Because, after all, there Ain't No Rest For The Wicked!


This is BODYJAM UNITED, so let’s come together in these super tough times and turn the music up, take off our pants and dance harder than ever before. You’re going to see talented, beautiful faces from all around the world, different cultures and smiles that love to dance just as much as you do. Shout out to Apple, Arnold, Bryan, Charlotte, Claude, Fabien, Fabienne, Fetty, Jaime, Johnson, Jonathan, Phil, Reina, Shey, Uchop, West and Willie for helping me tear up this latest release and show the world what BODYJAM means to them.

Track 1 is gorgeous, laid back reggaeton for you to get your 7 Tap on to. Our brand new Hype track is a melodic pop mashup of disco proportions.

The first block is straight Hip Hop, starting out with the classics (bow wow wow yippee yeoooooowwwww), into some brand new hotness, remixing classics all in the one track (NA, NANANANA, NANANANA, NANANANANANANA).

Hip Hop, is designed to be simple, full of feel and easy for you to learn as you get to pick up some brand new JAM to bring to your members (who are probably craving some gym time right about now).

Bring the heart rate down with the stunning new track, Know Your Worth, before all the songs I’ve ever wanted to use in BODYJAM are here! "Where Are U Now THAT I NEEEEEED YOU, I don’t understand how I can have so many haters, knowing I’m their father like my name is YES YES YES YAAAAAAAAAAAASSS"

And take the second block home with the classic Take U There, before Butterfly Effect will have your class soaring, connected to drops and melodics unheard of in any Group Exercise class.

BODYJAM UNITED is here, it’s fierce, get used to it. Right now is the perfect time to use some dance to open up our hearts to our fellow humans.


BODYPUMP UNITED is a simple and effective training workout: light weights and high repetitions, the essence of the program.

The Warm-Up is smooth and uplifting where we focus on pulling the bar in toward the body in the Deadlift and Upright Row to prime the muscles for the Clean and Press. In the Squat track we only work the Wide and Wider stances so the muscle focus is on the glutes and hips which is perfect for athletic development. Pausing in the bottom range will create time under tension and increase muscle activation to tone and build strength – the perfect balance!

The Chest track is a superset of Pushups and Chest Press. We love using Push Ups to pre-fatigue the chest and shoulders before we work with the bar as it ensures high intensity for rapid results. The Back Track is a cardio kicker! Multiple Clean and Presses drive the heart rate and activate the whole athletic chain.

In the Tricep track, we integrate core work with a Pushup and Side Plank Rotation combination. The Bicep track is simple but intense, with a Wide Triple Bicep Row to relieve muscle tension – great training for the arms!

We go old school training in the Lunge Track with static lunges to create a muscular overload in the legs. Trust me, you will be feeling this one for days! Finally, we sculpt great looking shoulders with supersets of dynamic Push Up, Side Raises and Rear Deltoid Flys.


Welcome to BODYSTEP UNITED. This special release has been designed to uplift and bring hope, happiness, passion and unity in these uncertain times. Extra attention has been paid to select a music playlist and “feel-great” choreography that will deliver a joyous vibe in your classes. I hope that this special release creates a ripple effect of good vibes from my incredible presenting team, to our global Trainers, Instructors, members, and outward further to friends and your families.

Here are a few of my personal highlights in this Release:

We have a fun “Greek” theme in the Mixed Strength track to the song Opa. As we stomp our feet, squat and run, I like to strike up imagery “as if you’re in Greece, stomping around in a big barrel of grapes to make fine wine” or “smashing plates with dynamic arm lines”.

Peak 1, Physical, has a retro vibe, so I added some old school Jumping Jacks to bring out the Jazzercise vibe. Leg warmers are a must when launching this Release!

Peak 2 has a fun and energetic rotating combo that matches the lyrics and song title Turn It Up. Peak 3, Hit ‘Em Up Styles, also has great connection to the lyrics, with BODYCOMBAT-style Jabs and Guards. I hope that you like the Cooldown track, Glitter, one of my favorite songs from our past New Zealand summer.

United, we can change the world.


CXWORX UNITED has a 45–minute format we would love you to try and then share your feedback! (Rest assured, there is no change to the 30–minute format for CXWORX, we know this format works well.)

Why we are trialling: We would like to give you and your clubs an added offering which we believe completes a full–body workout. The 45–minute format starts with more core-integrated exercises and finishes with more core isolation, giving a whole new and incredible feel to the workout.

What's new: You will see along with the 30–minute format an added three new tracks: a 45-specific Warm Up, an additional Standing Strength track (3) which you can use as the Bonus Track 3 in the 30–minute class, and a Stretch track at the end.

Feel free to teach this 45–minute format in live classes to your members or just do the workout by yourself and share your feedback with us.


Who remembers in school when the P.E teacher would tell you it’s time for a fitness test? Well guess what – this Bonus Athletic Block is called The Fitness Test! 3 words… bring it on!

This release is super unique and special for us, it represents how we can unite together through fitness, even under the hardest circumstances. So, what can you expect this round?

Another challenging, slightly crazy, fun workout packed with a few new moves and twists on some of our favorite structures! We have a brand new structure for Tabata that your members are going to love (and hate!), Supersets, and a Reactive Power track to generate force and burn heaps of calories.

Simple and challenging, we test speed, reactive training, pure power, strength and stamina. We have even included an alternative Athletic Tabata that you can use should you wish to really light it up! The bonus Tabata was not filmed and is an alternative to the GRIT Cardio Tabata – just use the same music and switch the moves.

So... who’s excited for another beep test?!



This Release brings together presenters from our global family to create a unique experience. We are UNITED by our love for HIIT training and inspirational music – this is evident when you see the team bring their absolute best to the bike.

The Accelerated Warm Up gets us in the training zone before we hit it hard and fast. Mixed Conditioning One blows our heart rate into the stratosphere with 2x 80–second Power phases. With barely enough time to breathe, we move into multiple slow Strength and Power sets that burn the legs and test our limits. We maintain the high work rate with 2x 60–second efforts to complete this round of training.

Sprints are up next. We have 4x phases to “frazzle” the nervous system. It’s that simple.

Mixed Conditioning Two reverses the sequence of its counterpart – 2x 60 seconds of Power runs, into multiple Strength and Power sets, and finishing how we started with 2x 80–second Power blowouts!


Perfecting the choreography for this Release took many more iterations than normal (due to lockdown) but I believe what’s come out is a class all of us around the world can enjoy. It’s filled with fun, lightness and options to challenge us both mentally and physically.

Some highlights of this Release include: a big kick to the heart rate in Track 3 with the moves Energy Push and Flight Lunge. For those of you who love burpees, we have ALL of the burpees in Track 6 Cardio with the Spiderman Burpee, Ball Slam Burpee and Secateur Burpee. Embrace the fun and the challenge! In Track 9 Strength we challenge our stabilisers and core strength with Pistol Squats, and you’re going to love the iconic track Get Your Freak On in Track 11 Strength.


The RPM UNITED Release is a very special class. It brings together Instructors and Trainers from all corners of the globe to share this fantastic ride in an extremely turbulent time. Inspirational music and cycling is our common bond and you will see this in the hearts and faces of the presenters as you watch the class – enjoy!

A smooth, engaging Warm Up sets the road ahead in Don’t Start Now. The track connects us to the road and the workout. The focus here is on cycle set, our basic riding position.

The Pace track Everywhere is a familiar sound which makes us feel safe and a little reminiscent as we roll flats and terraced climbs.

In Track 3, Hills, we begin to train in earnest with a series of slow climbs, with heavy climbing Resistance, interlaced with faster climbs that push the heart rate up. Slow for strength and fast for cardio kick – happy training time!

The Mixed Terrain track ‘clips’ along as we hold the beat through Ride Easy and Racing until we hit the song of the class in Track 5, Caution. It is powerful, uplifting, driving, indie rock at its best! A classic RPM song.

Speed Work unites the peloton. You’re Not Alone enables us to be grateful for what we have and for the experience we have shared over these past few months. Blue Monday climbs us above the global turmoil, steady and driving a retro mountain for the ages.

q3 release


We did it – the SH’BAM community comes together and dances as one to some fabulous music. We celebrate the joy that dance brings to our hearts and minds, at a time when it is so badly needed.

SH’BAM United has a blend of cool, new songs that you will be humming or singing for hours. Bring your wild side to the stage for Track 4, and then your sexy attitude to Track 5!

What I love about this class is seeing the smiling faces of my friends from all over the world, all on one screen, at the same time. There’s some familiar faces, some from Masterclass, but also those who have been quietly smashing SH’BAM for years!


This Release comes to you during one of the most turbulent and unsettling periods of our lives. We acknowledge this and we hope you have the opportunity to share this release with your friends and loved ones.

The workout is made up of four phases.

Phase One lures us in and gets us ready – we ride through the outskirts of a village and into the grounds of a wonderful palace which is home to a keyhole that takes us into a tunnel.

Once out of the tunnel we begin Phase Two which begins with four minutes of continuous riding flow. From there the challenges keep coming and the music keeps building.

Phase Three will be familiar to some of us as we remix a familiar track from our very first THE TRIP Release. The Hype is real, the beats are big, and the workout is even bigger.

We complete the ride with Phase Four which sees us back where we started.

Once again you will notice the Masterclass has taken on a different look. We hope this shift is enhancing your ability to learn, and for us it is providing an opportunity to connect with you in a more personal and inclusive way. For live classes, simply create plenty of opportunities to turn around and connect with your riders – just like we do talking to you through the camera.

Finally, on behalf of the entire crew here at Les Mills, we want to thank you for your ongoing support. We sincerely love having you on this journey with us.

A pre-drop of Program Directors’ track choice will be available on Spotify from Friday August 7th! Here is the link for you to add to your library now.


Les Mills Asia Pacific