Pets Are Wonderful

by Katriyn Ann

For all you animal lovers, this one’s for you. In conjunction with International Cat & Dog Day in August, we have asked a few instructors to share their pet stories and some of them are pretty entertaining.


Miley, 9 years old, Toy Poodle

Got her name because she looks like she’s always smiling. Miley was adopted from one of Riyo’s ex-colleagues. "All I wanted to do was to spend quiet time with Jackie till the time of her Rainbow Bridge crossing, but I somehow decided to adopt Miley in the end. Two doggies spent 2 months together, Miley helped me to recover from losing Jackie, and the rest is history for us.”

What is your pet’s favourite food?

Salmon, Egg, Cucumber, Carrot, Apple, Papaya, Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, and more!

What is your pet’s favourite game?

Anything related to treats.

What is your favourite thing to do together?

Cuddles! Taking naps. Play on yoga mat (she likes to sabotage my Yoga and BODYBALANCE practices).

Do you go outdoors? If yes, where is your favourite place to go together?

YES. First of all, my office is Miley's favourite place because there are so many "uncles" and "aunties" to play with her and give her treats.

What is a bad habit that your pet has?

She also likes to poop right in front of the door when I leave her alone too long. You can imagine what would happen to her poop as I open the door. (YUCK!)

What is the best thing about your pet?

EVERYTHING! She just makes me feel so good. I just have to sniff her cheek, then my heart rate and nerves calm down, like literally.

What is the naughtiest thing your pet has ever done?

When she was a baby, she loved to pee on MY bed. I also can't remember how many times I’ve stepped on her poopies.

What is the funniest memory involving your pet?

When she was cornered by a young Husky (she was trying to play with Miley). Miley ran to the corner of the room and curled up as small as she could, then she turned her head to Husky and did her "scariest look". Well the best she could do was to show her teeth and growl a little, and I know it's not nice to laugh but it was so funny to see her trying her best!

What is the best memory involving your pet?

Every single day is the best!

What is the hardest thing about being a pet owner?

Sometimes I have to leave her alone at home for long hours and that's hard. Traveling is tough too, but I have a group of friends who look after Miley while I am away (feeling super lucky).

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

You really understand what unconditional love means.

Does your pet have a nickname and what is it?

I call her "baby" usually.

Have you ever taught your pet any tricks? If you have, what tricks?

YES. Sit, Shake Hands, Hi 5, Down, Roll-Roll, Wait, and "mama-kiss"!


Ryan, 3 years old, Domestic Short Hair Cat
Owner: Simon Yong (INSTRUCTOR), RPM

Ryan got named after Ryan Gosling because of his droopy eyes when he was little. “3 years ago after my 27th Birthday, I adopted him through a foster home.”

What is your pet’s favourite food?

Chicken, tuna and cakes!

What is your pet’s favourite game?

Hide and seek! He always hides inside my closet and messes up my clothes.

What is your favourite thing to do together?

Sitting at the sofa, watching TV and snacking – COUCH POTATO BUDDIES FOR LIFE

Do you go outdoors? If yes, where is your favourite place to go together?

Not really. We like to stay indoors!

What is a bad habit that your pet has?

He loves to jump onto the dining table and steal my food! One time he took one whole chicken breast and ate it without me knowing – sneaky!

What is the best thing about your pet?

He doesn’t give up and I never get angry with him because he always finds a way to win me back, especially when he knows he is at fault. (AWWW)

What is the naughtiest thing your pet has ever done?

Breaking an expensive glass table lamp when he was trying to jump onto the sofa and chewing off half of my RM 20 notes. (WASTED)

What is the funniest memory involving your pet?

I taped his paws! His reaction was hilarious, and I felt bad after that but I had a really good laugh. (>.<)

What is the best memory involving your pet?

It was the first time I saw him at the foster home. He was only a few weeks old and was so tiny - his mom died. Although I didn’t really fancy black cats at the time, I decided to take him home and well, he changed my perception towards black cats.

What is the hardest thing about being a pet owner?

Keeping pets healthy by monitoring their diet, making sure to be home on time to feed them and sometimes having a girlfriend who doesn’t fancy pets can be difficult on the relationship.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

Being able to see him grow up healthy and the fun and joy he brings after a long hard day.

Does your pet have a nickname and what is it?

I still call him Ryan!

Have you ever taught your pet any tricks? If you have, what tricks?

He can shake my hand and jump when asked!


Apache & Perdy, 4 & 6 years old, Mongrels or Singapore Local Mixed Breed

Apache got his name when Rue rescued him as a pup. Rue was attracted to his brown patches around his eyes so Rue and her husband came up with Apache which symbolized Red Indians. Perdy got her name when they adopted her when she was 3 years old and her full name was Perdita (from the movie 101 Dalmations), Rue and her husband thought Perdy suited her and goes well with Apache.

What are your pets’ favourite food?

Salmon and pork bone.

What are your pets’ favourite games?

Apache likes to play hide & seek while Perdy plays along with Apache.

What is your favourite thing to do together?

Long walks (TO THE FRIDGE?)

Do you go outdoors? If yes, where is your favourite place to go together?

To the beach with our Starbucks and we get the pups some chicken rolls/pie.

What is a bad habit that your pets have?

Apache steals Perdy’s food and Perdy stops to sniff a particular spot during outdoor walks for way too long!

What is the best thing about your pets?

They’re both very healthy!

What is the naughtiest thing your pets have ever done?

Apache lunged at a disabled person (it was a person with autism as he wasn’t walking straight, and Apache was probably more on a defensive mode) (WE HOPE HE WAS OKAY)

What is the funniest memory involving your pets?

We know Apache is very motivated by FOOD so we left a piece of fish in the airfryer with camera set up where we can watch on our phone. Then we pretended to watch TV in the living room. We saw him with his front paws on the kitchen table, sniffing the fish. He turned to check if we were watching, and wasn’t too sure so he pretended to walk to the living room and back again to try his luck and then FINALLY ate the fish quickly! Hilarious (I THINK WE’RE ALL APACHE SOMETIMES)

What is the best memory involving your pets?

Every day with the both of them are the best memories I’ll ever have.

What is the hardest thing about being a pet owner?

The thought that they will one day cross the rainbow bridge, makes my eyes swell.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

Coming home to happy hormones and oxytocin. No matter how hard the day is, they are always full of energy and unconditional love to give.

Do your pets have nicknames and what are they?

Apache is ‘poo pants’ and Perdy is ‘fatty bum bum’.

Have you ever taught your pets any tricks? If you have, what tricks?

No way. The only way to get Apache to sit is with a yummy pork bone in my hand. (LOL)


Bali, 2 years old, Miniature Dachshund

Bali got his name out of sheer randomness and it works! Reagan got Bali from a friend of his 2 years ago. By the way, Bali even has his own Instagram Account: how cool is this dog? (SUPER)

What is your pets’ favourite food?

Minced beef!

What is your pet’s favourite game?

Tug of War!

What is your favourite thing to do together?


Do you go outdoors? If you do, where is your favourite place to go together?

Yes, we like to jog and relax at a small dog park together.

What is a bad habit that your pet has?

Waking me up too early in the morning!

What is the best thing about your pet?


What is the naughtiest thing your pet has ever done?


What is the funniest memory involving your pet?


What is the best memory involving your pet?


What is the hardest thing about being a pet owner?

Time management.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

Fulfillment and happiness!

Does your pet have a nickname and what is it?

BALI. Simple as it is!

Have you ever taught your pet any tricks? If you have, what tricks?

Sit, paw, Hi-5, roll over.


Alfred, 1 year old, British Short Hair and Harvey, 3 months old, Scottish Fold

Alfred got his name from Batman’s butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Harvey was initially Harley (as taken from Harley Quinn) as Ricky was initially told that it was a female cat and it was very feisty in the beginning. Few days later, Rickey discovered Harley’s ‘hammer’ and decided to change her name to Harvey (from Harvey Specter from Suits).

What are your pets’ favourite food?

Alfred eats everything and Harvey likes yogurt & chia seeds. (A LITTLE BIT FANCY)

What are your pets’ favourite games?

“Ding ding Feather with bells” and “feet under the blanket”.

What is your favourite thing to do together?

Waking up together. (RISE AND SHINEEEE)

Do you go outdoors? If you do, where is your favourite place to go together?

Occasionally we take them downstairs to the garden to play.

What is a bad habit that your pets have?

Alfred sometimes doesn’t bury his “fancy jewels”, and Harvey chews on suitcases.

What is the best thing about your pets?

Their distinctive meows and the fact that no matter how your day went, they can always make it alright

What is the naughtiest thing your pets have ever done?

They once pooped on the bed (inauguration maybe?)

What is the funniest memory involving your pets?

Oh that’s a bit hard to pick. Alfred walks sideways and hunches his back when he’s fight-playing with Harvey. And Harvey sits like a boss when he cleans his “goodies”.

What is the best memory involving your pets?

I think it was the first day we got them. We both sat at the window sill waiting for the cats to arrive.

What is the hardest thing about being a pet owner?

Having to do the neutering and being away from them during our travels. (SOBS)

What is the most rewarding thing about being a pet owner?

Having them to come home to, and their smiles and unconditional love. (AWW)

Do your pets have nicknames and what are they?

Sometimes we call them Bubu and Lulu.

Have you ever taught your pets any tricks? If you have, what tricks?

Finding ping pong balls in hidden places.


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