LES MILLS VIRTUAL: “IT’S THE BEST!” Case Study of Health & Fitness World in Launceston, Tasmania: Part 3

by Les Mills Asia Pacific

LES MILLS® Virtual Case Study Part 3: To grab an update on how Virtual has been going since its initial launch and follow-up three months ago, we caught up again with Karen Rawlings, owner of Health & Fitness World in Launceston, Tasmania

It’s been nine months since introducing LES MILLS Virtual to her club, Health and Fitness World in Launceston (Tasmania, Australia), and owner Karen Rawlings says, "LES MILLS® Virtual is the best!"

“We’ve had less Instructor injuries and down-time this year, compared to any winter I can remember! Having LES MILLS Virtual means any physical niggles can be rested or unexpected absences can be covered without putting extra strain on the other Instructors, and there’s no pressure on the admin staff to ring around to try to find an available cover.”

The data for the July to September 2021 Quarter confirms:

  • an overall growth in members
  • visiting members increased by 37.3%
  • number of members attending group fitness increased by 7.8%.

"I am so glad we put the work in during the lockdown 18 months ago, to install LES MILLS Virtual, because now we are in the position of being able to manage the staffing and membership challenges we’re facing as a result of Omicron and the transition to COVID-normal. LES MILLS Virtual means our timetable has not been severely impacted, so we can still provide our members with great value. Getting through these COVID times will continue to be tough, but it’s more manageable with Virtual. It also means we are not in the position of having to ask ourselves ‘will we survive?’ Thank heavens for Virtual!”

“Obviously, live classes are always the members’ first choice, but they love LES MILLS Virtual for the fact that their needs are catered for, even outside the normal timetable, and that classes are never cancelled at the last minute. So, for any club out there that is considering taking it on, my strong recommendation is to go for it. The results in my club’s performance, in this ever-changing world, has been fantastic, and the peace of mind that we will stay open and stay afloat in a COVID-crazy world makes all the difference. LES MILLS Virtual really is the best!”

Click to read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4 of this LES MILLS Virtual case study.

To find out how LES MILLS Virtual can enhance your Club’s performance and boost your member engagement and retention levels, OR to share your story about how Les Mills or Les Mills Virtual has helped you achieve your Club’s goals, contact your local Business Partnership Manager in Australia or Southeast Asia.

Australian-based clubs should enquire about third-party finance options for new LES MILLS Virtual installations and/or SMART TECH equipment packages. Connect with your local Business Partnership Manager to learn more.


Les Mills Asia Pacific