Choreographed by Gandalf Archer-Mills in Auckland, New Zealand, BODYJAM® is the ultimate combination of
music and dance.
Tracks that you love right now? They’re in BODYJAM. That new style you’ve heard about? It was in BODYJAM
last year.
BODYJAM is available as either a 55, 45 or 30-minute workout.
House, Hip-hop, Drum ‘n’ Bass, Trap, all styles of electronic dance music, it’s the soul of BODYJAM. This is legit.
While we’re pretty sure you’ll be too busy dancing your butt off, it’s good to know that you’ll be getting a killer workout and burning calories while you’re at it. Can’t hurt, right?
Whether you’ve got two left feet or fancy yourself as Beyonce’s back-up dancer, we’ve got you. BODYJAM doesn’t discriminate, and dance is free, so what’s stopping you?
*Free Trial offer not open to current subscribers or past triallists. Your monthly subscription to LES MILLS+ starts when you click “Buy now” and the tick-box confirming you agree our terms and conditions (or at the conclusion of any trial period), and rolls over automatically each month. See checkout page for full terms and conditions.
To find a BODYJAM class near you, click here.
Yes absolutely! Please visit our Suggest a Song page. We look forward to seeing your suggestion!
Safety is our number one priority, so we recommend talking with your doctor or midwife who will advise you appropriately as they have the best knowledge of your medical history. Chat to your class Instructor beforehand to let them know you’re pregnant. They’ll suggest some options for you throughout the class.
Why put a limit on fun? We say a BODYJAM class a day keeps the doctor away.
Absolutely none! BODYJAM caters for all ages and abilities. Your Instructor will walk you through the steps one by one – all you need to do is bring the attitude.