Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BODYPUMP gives you a total body workout. It will burn up to 540 calories**. Instructors will coach you through scientifically-backed moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than on your own! You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more. BODYPUMP is available as either a 55, 45 or 30-minute workout. It is also available in some clubs as a Virtual workout.
Get lifting with BODYPUMP and you’ll tone and shape your entire body.
This full-body barbell workout will burn calories, shape and tone your entire body, increase core strength and improve bone health.
Using THE REP EFFECT formula of light weights and high repetitions, BODYPUMP develops lean, athletic muscle, aids metabolism and improves body composition. See findings from the Les Mills Lab for more evidence.
*Free Trial offer not open to current subscribers or past triallists. Your monthly subscription to LES
MILLS+ starts when you click "Buy now" and the tick-box confirming you agree our terms and conditions
(or at the conclusion of any trial period), and rolls over automatically each month. See checkout page
for full terms and conditions.
**AUT University (2014, April), Exercise Intensity and Energy Expenditure During the Les Mills BODYPUMP
To find a BODYPUMP class near you, click here.
Can’t find a class in your area? Try BODYPUMP free* at home with LES MILLS+.
All you need is comfortable workout clothes, supportive shoes, a drink bottle and a sweat towel. During the class you’ll use a weight bar and weight plates and a step. These will be supplied in the class.
BODYPUMP instructors provide options to suit everyone. It’s a good idea to start with really light weights or even just a bar. Start slowly with just one to two classes a week and build up from four or five tracks to a full class. You’ll find your fitness and strength improve over a number of sessions.
BODYPUMP will really challenge all of your major muscle groups so we recommend you do no more than two to three classes a week, and make sure you have a day off in between. Add two to three cardio classes into the mix and you’ll shape and tone your body in no time.
Yes absolutely! Please visit our Suggest a Song page. We look forward to seeing your suggestion!
Safety is our number one priority, so we recommend talking with your doctor or midwife who will advise you appropriately as they have the best knowledge of your medical history. Chat to your class Instructor beforehand to let them know you’re pregnant. They’ll suggest some options for you throughout the class.