“I remember going to my first ever BODYPUMP® class. It was AMAZING and I fell in love straight away. I walked (hobbled!) out of that class and remember going online and looking at the Les Mills website to learn more about BODYPUMP®. That day I decided that I wanted to be an Instructor, and in less than a year after my first class, I was teaching my own!”
“The first time I taught was the day after my module, with my mentor Tyler. It was in front of maybe 50 people and honestly, it was incredibly scary. I remember walking offstage afterward and feeling this incredible energy and buzz. That awesome feeling when I teach hasn’t gone away, and I love it.
I remember a few classes later, it all clicked in my mind and I felt at home on stage; it felt so natural! Since then, I've become more confident to be my authentic self on stage. I've learned that when I let go and be myself on stage, I produce the most authentic and enjoyable classes. I found a love for teaching.”
“The first time I taught was the day after my module, with my mentor Tyler. It was in front of maybe 50 people and honestly, it was incredibly scary. I remember walking offstage afterward and feeling this incredible energy and buzz. That awesome feeling when I teach hasn’t gone away, and I love it.
“I teach part-time a couple of times a week, and I am currently in the final Honours year of my degree in Biomedical Engineering. I also work part-time at a restaurant. My typical day involves an early workout, university throughout the day, and then I work at night.”
“My ‘WHY’ for being an Instructor is to create joy in someone's day, and help them get fitter. I never take myself too seriously on stage, and I hope that my fun and effervescent personality rubs off on my members. Seeing my members smile, have fun and sweat, brings me so much happiness. If I can make a member do at least one of those things, then I've succeeded. It's even better when I get to see them come back and improve each week!”

“To-date, what’s helped me the most, in terms of developing my Instructor skills, is just getting out there, teaching and practising. A big thing for me was just getting classes under my belt, and learning that I have the skills to be a great Instructor. Once those fundamentals were established, I could work on my performance and connection, and become the best Instructor I can be. The feedback and reassurance from Instructors around me have also greatly contributed to my development.”
“For me, the greatest challenge about being a Les Mills Instructor is coming up with something every week that is engaging and different for my members; whether it be a new mix, new cues, or even new jokes or dance moves! For me, it’s a process of continually improving, and it can be a real challenge when I am so busy day-to-day!”
“My most memorable Instructor moments are a few “first time” experiences, like the first time someone yelled out an answer to one of my coaching questions while teaching; or when people joined in with my dance moves; or when someone came up to me after class and asked me to help them with their technique. The confidence each of these experiences gave me was huge. Every class has a memorable moment though, whether it’s a member smiling through the pain, or seeing someone make it to the end of a track with a heavy plate; it's those little things that make teaching worth it.”
“To anyone considering becoming an Instructor, I say GO FOR IT! It's such a transformative experience. It’s given me new confidence that I carry outside of my classes, and it also allows you to really make a difference for people around you. It unleashes a totally different side to yourself that you may not realise you have. It's also a whole heap of fun!”
“The only other advice I have for Instructors, is to keep on bringing the best and most authentic self to your classes. When I am myself and confident on stage, I produce the best classes and connect with my members the most. Remind yourself of what unique ‘thing’ you bring to your classes that your members come back for, and then hone in on that skill and make it an asset.”