by Les Mills Asia Pacific

Redza Bakhtiar is a BODYATTACK™, BODYJAM™ and LES MILLS DANCE™ Instructor. Currently, Redza teaches nine evening and weekend classes a week, at Fitness First, Celebrity Fitness and Life and Fitness in Kuala Lumpur.


In this new regular feature, we’re highlighting Instructors from Australia and Southeast Asia who demonstrate exemplary commitment to their Les Mills Instructor career (i.e., consistently buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops, training and events). And thanks to our friends at Fitness Audio, each featured Instructor receives a microphone case and belt valued at $75. This month, we’re featuring Redza Bakhtiar from Malaysia.

Tell us about yourself

During the day, I work as Senior Marketing and Communications Executive at one of the local government authorities here in Kuala Lumpur. Outside of work hours, I am a group fitness exercise enthusiast, and cardio classes are my favourite!

My Les Mills Instructor journey began in 2022, after I obtained my first Les Mills certification for SH’BAM™ (now upskilled to LES MILLS DANCE). I find teaching Les Mills classes so addictive; I can’t settle for one program only – there are too many to love! So, in 2023, I enrolled in the BODYATTACK Initial Training (IT), and in May 2024 I got certified in BODYJAM. And you know what? I cannot wait for my LES MILLS TONE™ IT, which is being held in August 2024 – I am so excited!

What inspired you to become a Les Mills Instructor?

My inspiration to become a Les Mills Instructor was when I realised it is not easy to handle so many things on your plate. During the almost two years that I held a gym membership, I witnessed and adored so many amazing Instructors who were all passionate about teaching. I loved seeing how they connected with the members, how they nailed all the choreography, and how they smiled and remained energetic for the whole 60 minutes of the class – all of which is not easy to do!

I, personally, love to connect with people, and as a guy who does marketing and PR on a daily basis, I really love to talk! So, I told myself one day I will take the challenge to become a Les Mills Instructor and I will try my best to do whatever it takes to pass the IT.

So, in 2022, my Instructor journey began when I was approached by an Instructor (who has since become my Mentor). He told me that Initial Training (IT) for SH’BAM was coming up in a few weeks and he thought that I was ready for it. I believe that every journey begins with a single step, so I decided to enroll, and I passed the IT.

To-date, I have obtained my Les Mills certification for SH’BAM, BODYATTACK, BODYJAM and LES MILLS DANCE and… I have also registered for the upcoming LES MILLS TONE IT. Please wish me luck! Cannot wait for this moment to come!

What would you like to work towards in your career as a Les Mills Instructor?

I'm passionate about fitness, and I'm eager to become a better person in this journey. Every day is a learning process for me so I love it when I can learn from my passionate members and fellow instructors. Their feedback and comments towards me are something that has always kept me going.

Considering that I am still relatively new to this industry, I really want to equip myself with knowledge and skills, so I will also complete Advanced Training in the future.

I have always looked up to those awesome Presenters in the Masterclasses and at Quarterly Workshops. I have always loved their spirit and energy, and I keep telling myself I will be there one day if I work hard!

What do you believe are the key benefits of attending Quarterly Workshops?

I LOVE WORKSHOPS, and I’ll say that many times! I tend to join the majority of the classes, from morning until late afternoon! I love events like Quarterly Workshops simply because all of us Instructors get the chance to exchange knowledge and skills! I get excited every time I register for a Quarterly Workshop, knowing I will gain something from there, such as the essence of teaching classes, and how to make them even more fun and lively.

What do you like most about In-Person Workshops?

As an extrovert, I do love meeting people and making new friends! Every time I go to In-Person Workshops, I enjoy connecting with people and learning from them. Being physically present, you can witness how amazing the Presenters are; they provide me with such inspiration!

Another thing that I like about In-Person Workshops is that everything is like a blind box. You don’t know what will be served but you know it’s going to be good, and it makes you feel excited!

What do you like most about Online eWorkshops?

Online eWorkshops work wonders for me. I love the timing, space, and flexibility. Sometimes, my office work and outstation jobs mean that I cannot be present at the In-Person Workshops. In these situations, I can just do it at my convenience from wherever I am. This is the best part about Online workshops – I mean, you can even do it from your couch! Just kidding, but I believe you get my point!

What do you find most helpful about the Quarterly Release Kits?

To me, Release Kits are like a magic Instructor-handbook! They are so helpful and have been ever since I became a Les Mills Instructor. This is because I can refer to them to learn so many things. I love the Masterclass video, choreography notes, and music tracks; it’s so structured and easy to access from the Les Mills Releases App.

One thing I find very helpful about the BODYATTACK Choreography Notes in the Quarterly Release Kits, is the section for every track that guides Instructors around technique and coaching. I find this resource really helpful because sometimes, as instructors, we tend to overlook the simple yet important things, so this information can serve as a valuable reminder.

What tips do you have to help Instructors learn new Releases efficiently and effectively?

Everyone learns differently. For me, repetition is the key. When I repeatedly perform a physical task, my muscles develop memory for that specific activity (i.e., muscle memory). So, what I tend to do is practise a single track two to three times, before I move on to the next one. This method works well for me.

Another tip is to put your shoes on, find a big mirror, and get moving! My mentor once advised me that self-assessment and mirrorwork is our best teacher, because only we know our own individual strengths and weakness, and how our body works best.

What do you love most about being a Les Mills Instructor?

Being a Les Mills Instructor has taught me many important things. Our commitment and dedication to learning every new Release on a quarterly basis, is what helps to make us resilient. I love taking challenges, and I do believe that this path is quite challenging; but being surrounded by a very passionate Les Mills community, means I’ve never felt let down or alone during this journey!

What would you tell someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor, but does not feel ready?

Don't wait until you're ready; start now and learn along the way! This has been my life principle for a long time. I was not ready for my first IT, but I believed I would work hard along the way, and I did, and I passed! Just enjoy your journey and trust the process. Your hard work will never betray you.

Being a Les Mills Instructor has completely changed how I see things. I do believe that no task is beyond our reach, so long as we’re willing to learn and persevere. So just trust yourself. You’ve got this!

Where can people find you online?

Instagram is @redzadivo – say hi and we can work from there 😊

If you or someone you know has a passion for teaching Les Mills programs and a consistent history of buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops, then you can submit a nomination for Instructor of the Month. To do so, simply email your name and Customer ID to


Les Mills Asia Pacific