by Sarah Shortt

BODYCOMBAT 100, Corey and KG back in LES MILLS CORE, filmed with a live audience in Studio 1… Q3 releases are coming to light up your club!


Presenters: Lisa Osborne, Jackson Fuafiva Osborne, Bevan James Eyles, Sebastian Jaramillo, Geena Pannett

“The first thing I fell in love with was the music!” says Geena Pannett. “It’s normal to vibe with certain tracks or songs, but in this release I can honestly say I love them all! They're addictive, high-energy songs that feel amazing to move to.

Lisa has done an incredible job of creating a release where both the Aerobic and Athletic formats are phenomenal. I’m an Athletic girl at heart and the Circuit tracks in 125 deliver an incredible workout. Similarly, the Aerobic tracks are powerful and fun; both formats promise an incredible class.

What’s my favourite track? Such a hard question! My top 5 are: 3a and 3b, 4, 7 and 9 Power. Peaks are my happy place, so I think I'll have to go with track 4 this time! It delivers the truly Athletic BODYATTACK feel with a mix of power, speed and plyometric training — the lunges and high knee runs hit HARD at the end of the block but the music is so good you can't help but push through. The song is perfect for creating vocal contrast to enhance the moments of intensity.

Track 7 has been stuck in my head non-stop so it’s one of my favourite songs for sure! Both 9s are also incredible. I also MUST give a shout out to the Cooldown track — it’s a different vibe for us in BODYATTACK but I adore it and leaves me feeling refreshed and happy when wrapping up the class.

For the most part the release is made up of epic, classic moves we're familiar with, which is exactly what makes it so great. The simplicity means it’s accessible for new members as well as enabling those wanting more intensity to push themselves to the limit.

In Circuit 9 there’s the chance to coach on the floor and encourage your members to work in partners or teams. I love this focus as it brings the connected community feeling of BODYATTACK to a whole new level.

BODYATTACK 125 delivers on all fronts: the Aerobic and Athletic feel, the intensity, the accessibility for all fitness levels, the music and epic choreography… it really is a masterpiece and I’m confident it'll be a new favourite!”


Presenters: Bram Prima Halim, Eileen Post, Fraser Beck, Khiran Huston, Otto Prodan, Marika Jingblad, Jessica Wong, Kylie Gates

“BODYBALANCE 105 encourages self-compassion” says Bram Prima Halim. “It offers space and time for participants to reflect, re-focus, show gratitude towards their bodies, and immerse themselves in the process without feeling rushed. Each track is designed to provide our participants with plenty of choices to move at their own pace, making it a versatile and inclusive experience for everyone.

What’s my favourite track? It's a tough choice between the Tai Chi and the Balance tracks. Both are exceptionally captivating in terms of choreography, and the music accompanying them is simply gorgeous. The way these tracks feel when moving to them is truly satisfying, offering a deeply immersive experience. They allow participants to lose themselves in the movement, enhancing both the physical and emotional connection to the workout.

In this release, there are a couple of exciting new moves and innovations. The Sun Salutation has been slightly modified, featuring two different flow sets. The shorter one has only four poses flowing in a loop — allowing participants to move from understanding the movements to becoming one with them. In the Core Abdominals track, the Dolphin Pose with leg lift is a great way to build trunk stability and strengthen the core. Additionally, the Back track offers plenty of opportunities to try both full backbends or bow poses, providing a variety of options for participants to explore and challenge themselves.

Why are Instructors and members going to love it? Two reasons:

  1. Kylie Gates is back, bringing her incredible energy, her famous smile, and fountain of knowledge. Kylie has a unique way of connecting with participants, and this release showcases that.
  2. The practice is beautifully crafted, with an intention of focusing on self-compassion and self-care which hopefully gives us the energy to look out and help others. The message is clear and heartfelt, making it an experience that will resonate deeply.

Instructors will be excited to know that we have a real pregnant presenter, Marika, on stage in this release. Marika demonstrates pregnancy options with all the necessary modifications.”

Jessica Wong adds: “We have lots of opportunities for backbends in this release. This is a fun way to add a challenge to our practice but also to listen to our bodies. Even if deep backbends are in our practice, we might not feel that we need them every time — my recommendation is to tune into your body to see what option best suits you that day. If you want to go for poses like Full Wheel, Khiran and I play with lifting our heels to explore our backends which is a fun advanced option.

It's always hard to pick a favourite track because each one evokes a different emotion. I’m always partial to Tai Chi and this release is no different — the music is uplifting yet grounded and the movements are graceful and fluid. This track feels like your best friend is giving you a hug and encouraging you to see the opportunities in a situation.

In terms of my favourite song… the Hip Opener track is very special. There’s lots of space in the music to meditate and have your own experience. The amazing Kylie Gates team teaches so beautifully with the music that she just blends seamlessly into the song. Enjoy making this one your own!”


Presenters: Dan Cohen, Rachael Newsham, Vili Fifita, Natasha Vincent, Meno Thomas, Mai Sato, Kenshin Tani, Marlon Woods, Sebastian Jaramillo, Eileen Post, Lidia Bodoque, Oscar Piero, Steve Tansey, Lisa Macdonald, Desmond Wong, Billy Arisz, Raissa VanFleteren, Xavier Gallais, Honey Wu, Renee Low, Stephanie Angkiriwang, Sylvie Long, Cesar Vasquez, Windy Gao, Lula Slaughter

“Right from the opening of Track 1A, you can feel this release is massive!” says Cesar Vasquez. “With 15 total tracks (5 bonus), every song packs a unique punch. There are some instant classics which will make it to playlists over and over again!

Being a fan of Kickboxing and the classic K1 World Tournaments, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the new Axe Kick integrated into Track 4. Be warned — this kick is going to require practice (and flexibility) to execute!

I adore the Bonus track 3. The euphoric EDM sound sent me on a rollercoaster of different feelings (excitement, anticipation, determination, exhilaration). Oscar and Lidia did a phenomenal job presenting this one on the Masterclass.

Seeing our international BODYCOMBAT family together is always a special event. The team was absolutely massive this time and I am sure our fellow Instructors and members around the world are going to love seeing Presenters representing their countries.”

“My favourite track is 4,” says Lisa Macdonald, “because it was taught by Dan and Rach. I was standing there watching them and just thought — what you two have achieved globally through this program is unbelievable. The way they taught that track was inspirational and the music gave me goosebumps. They absolutely smashed it.

Having now been through the process of filming, I have a new appreciation for the amount of work that goes into making every single release. When you watch the Masterclass, you only see a fraction of the effort — from the music team who have licensed the tracks, to the crew filming it, the stylists, hair and makeup, the technical consultants who evaluate all the moves for safety, the thought and time that goes into the choreography… Even the amount of work that goes into getting ready to film is huge. You might think that people just turn up to teach their track but the sacrifice and training that Presenters put into getting fit enough to teach their track is massive.

I know people can be quick to judge when they watch a new release, but this experience will certainly make me think twice before saying: “I don’t like this or that”. The dedication and care that goes into making a release is phenomenal.”


Presenters: Gandalf Archer Mills, Summer Bradley, Bianca Ikinofo, Dannielle Lally, Meno Thomas

“This release is mixed bag of vibrant flavours” says Meno Thomas. “BODYJAM 109 filmed in the 09 with the 09 crew — prepare to take off into a world of fun and euphoria.

Hands down, my favourite track is Do The Bartman. This track lands unexpectedly in the middle of a block but fits so perfectly within the harmony of this release.

My favourite song is track 5 Every Little Step by Bobby Brown. Growing up, I loved listening to my Dad’s playlist on full blast. He jammed a lot of 90s music: New Edition, Boyz II Men, and SWV would be on repeat on my car rides to school. Hearing this era of music just took my soul back to those moments of pure joy, swag and fun. Let’s be real — this track just knows how to get ya up and grooving!

I get the honour of working/teaching classes alongside this amazing crew on a weekly base here in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We’re all good friends, so as a team we brought our authentic banter, vibes and energy to the stage in this filming round — it was pretty magical NGL (not gonna lie) 😊. This is also the first release you get to witness Summer Bradley presenting on the BODYJAM stage which she slayed all the wayyy!

Every release is unique and special but there’s nothing like BODYJAM 109 in terms of blending different genres of music from different eras to create a masterpiece of a workout. The choreography works so well with the playlist. Have a fricken LIT time launching this to your clubs and communities spreading that BODYJAM magic.”


Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Ben Main, Lula Slaughter, Marlon Woods, Windy Gao, Jessica Wong, Billy Aw, Bronté Terrell, Levi Farrell, Amy Lu

“BODYPUMP 130 has been stripped back,” says Bronté Terrell. “It has a real training feel, allowing us to keep our coaching super simple and just really feel the workout.

Track 8 Shoulders is the standout for me. It feels as though the whole journey of the release builds to this moment. The choreography is dynamic, combining both isolation and compound movements to create a massive sting in the shoulders. Combined with the music, it gives all the feels and I know PUMPers are going to love teaching this one — particularly at club launches. In the UK we would say this will be the moment the track “goes OFF!”

There are a few innovations in the release. We introduce the new Wide Curl in Biceps which adds variety to ensure we keep getting the results. In the Shoulder Track there’s a new Corner Press where we increase the length of the lever arm, thereby loading the anterior and middle deltoid and the biceps and triceps.

There's a real mix of music this round — something for everybody. The Squat track sees the return of a familiar track with a modern twist. There are some playful and house-y sounds, offering opportunities for fun and for Instructors to create Connection.

There’s a journey from start to finish in this release, building up to that big Shoulder track at the end. It’s definitely one to look forward to!

BODYPUMP 130 is filmed with a live audience again. The stage layout is really different: there was a main stage and two podiums either side which brought depth and variety. In between tracks the Presenters jumped in with the audience and took part in the class, which was a great way to keep moving and stay connected with the members!”


Presenters: Mark Nu'u-Steele, Dee Rowell, Otto Prodan, Manami Sato, Nel Baxter, Summer Bradley

“Release 136 is possibly the hardest BODYSTEP workout I’ve ever done!” says Otto Prodan. “The intensity level ramps up quickly, which I love. The moves are simple, so it’s great for anyone new to the program, but there’s a reasonable level of complexity in the Move and Groove tracks to keep even the most experienced steppers on their toes!

We had two new lovely additions to the presenting team this round: Summer [Bradley] and Nel [Baxter]. I love how they brought something new and unique to the program and I can’t wait for everyone to see them in action.

My favourite track is probably the Groove track, with Summer. It feels very different from any other track we’ve done and I love this new approach — the track is super fresh and playful. The song is also awesome. You know when a song gets stuck in your head, and you catch yourself singing it at random times?! This is the one for me.

Kaylah-Blayr isn’t presenting on this release but she was an amazing coach behind the scenes and she worked very closely with the two new Presenters.”


Presenters: Corey Baird, Sebastian Jaramillo, Kenshin Tani, Marika Jingblad, Kylie Gates, Bronte Terrell

“I love the music this round!” says Bronté Terrell. “I love a house beat with uplifting vocals and good energy. There’s plenty of that in this release, combined with other sounds which provide great contrast. The workout is challenging and dynamic, with plenty of options so everyone can get the workout they came for.

The Warm-Up song sets the scene for the whole workout — it's dynamic and fun. Track 2 is a killer and I love it! Kenshin is super controlled and chilled while coaching such a tough track, which is motivating and inspiring. The Penguin is back in track 5, with the additional challenge of a leg lift. My obliques hurt for days the first time I tried it, and I think people are going to love the challenge.

This release isn't too complex, meaning we can just get stuck into the workout. Instructors will be able to find lots of opportunities to take everybody on the journey of the workout — both in the music and the physicality.

The dynamic duo and awesomeness of Kylie Gates and Corey Baird are back in this release! One of our lovely teammates, Marika, was also pregnant during the filming. This is something special to celebrate and may inspire other expectant mommas.”


Presenters: Kenshin Tani, Mai Sato, Bas Hollander, Ben Main, Levi Farrell, Des Helu, Nel Baxter

“What’s the theme of the release?” asks Erin Maw. “I mean, the theme is always to go big with intensity! Haha, HIIT is theme! Creatively, it’s simple, athletic and intense with hype music.

I love the big working pyramid x reverse pyramid. It's a beast in the best way! We've never used this specific structure before, so it keeps the workout fresh and the body guessing — no plateaus here!

It’s tough to pick a favourite song because there are so many amazing sounds across the three workouts. Ben [Main] would say he loves the vibe the Strength Warm-Up song brings to the start of the class ‘X Gon' Give It to Ya' — throwback tune for all the Millennials!

We have a fresh structure with the AMRAP design and the never-done-before reverse x pyramid. Right now, we’re keeping the movements simple and athletic. This means they’re simple for Coaches to teach and allow members to push that intensity button hard from the start.

Any backstage stories? I ONLY have backstage stories right now since you won't see me on the screen for a while yet [Erin has just given birth] but the team for 49 are incredible! No blooper reels or embarrassing stories to share this time! The team were slick.

Coaches and members are going to love GRIT 49 because it’s simple, athletic and intense, and the music is amazing! Just how it should be.”


Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Khiran Huston, Billy Aw

“How would I describe SPRINT 35?” says Billy Aw. “Demonic. Harmonic. Melodic. Euphoric.

My favourite track is Tabata 2. Do the release and you will find out how hard this dirty devilish twist hits. It’s going to be a love/hate relationship with this one because it’s so clever.

My favourite song is the Finisher. The sounds in this track are so futuristic and energising and will take you from zero to hero. The music choice and style can be summed up by one word: cool.

There’s barely any time to rest in this release. It feels unique compared to the other releases, especially when it comes to coaching. Watch out and remember that in SPRINT, silence is highly encouraged.

At rehearsals for SPRINT Masterclass, Glen and Khiran just ask for one thing: go hard. In every rehearsal, they were out there slamming the pedals and going full gas. I loved every second of it. It was so much fun just slaughtering ourselves to get ready for filming.

As hard as this release is, it’s pure adrenaline-fueled fun. Have fun. Train hard. Have fun training hard.”


Presenters: Khiran Huston, Vili Fifita

“TONE 26 is all about highlighting multi-directional movement,” says Khiran Huston. “In this release, we highlight repetition — first learning a skill to create unconscious competence and then practicing the skill. A perfect example of this is in track 2, where we learn the movement patterning and repeat it again and again.

Move focus this round? We spent some time breaking down the 3-Step Run into a Heisman, as this move deceptively requires a lot of coordination. We trialed progressions in clubs and the results were amazing. Participants loved the movement progression and felt confident performing this movement.

The music in this release is 10/10 and our track list is one of the top reasons why our participants love this class (and why you love teaching this program!)”


Presenters: Amy Lu, Bas Hollander, Glen Ostergaard, Dee Rowell, Billy Aw

“To be honest, this release sums up every single emotion that I felt when I first fell head over heels in love with RPM,” says Billy Aw. “This is the first filming in the cycle studio in a long time and the atmosphere was electric. Philip Mills was also riding with us! What a rush. How would you teach your class if you had Philip Mills riding in your class?

The uniqueness of this release lies in the speed work. It feels like a long enduring race, which allows you to immerse yourself in both the music and the workout. The brutal extended duration draws you in and challenges you to the point where you will definitely question your fitness! I love the music too. I’m a trance-head and there’s something intrinsically uplifting about a song without vocals and lyrics.

The new approach the team has been working towards is encouraging members to fine tune their resistance levels. By placing trust and success in the individual, rather than all the responsibility on the Instructor, we believe it will encourage participants to work to the best of their ability.”


Presenter: Bas Hollander

This is your story to tell…or not.

Where exactly are these spaces, and how have they come into existence? There are many interpretations, and this is the beauty of THE TRIP — one person’s experience may be completely different to someone else’s, and it is on us to facilitate this experience in an inclusive way.

From transitional industrial style spaces into mansions, a jungle, surreal spaces, and pyramids, there’s plenty on offer here. A common theme that links these spaces is the play of light and how it illuminates and reacts with the various spaces.

Our focus shifts to being FRESH & FLEXIBLE. Over the next few releases our presenter team will bring their version of this to the Masterclass, and we hope to provide you with inspiration to take into your classes.

This round, Bas gives us his take on being Fresh & Flexible with his infectious passion for THE TRIP. His storytelling is ambiguous enough to create curiosity and was a great subject of conversation after class. When asked about his storytelling, Bas says: “I think it’s a cool idea for us as Instructors to find our story within the release and, better still, different stories that we can alternate between. Even introduce storylines that our members may discuss with us”.


Les Mills Asia Pacific