by Sarah Shortt

To celebrate BODYCOMBAT™ 100, legendary Instructors share their memories of the program.


I started teaching on BODYCOMBAT 1, and Dan Cohen was my Trainer. If only we’d known then how many years we’d work together for, how many memories we’d create!

I love BODYCOMBAT for the escapism it provides. Somewhere within the complexity of mastering a new combination, there’s an opportunity to escape into yourself. In that space you learn tenacity, humility and appreciation for others. Despite the fact we’re not hitting anything tangible, the movement alone promotes a sense of calm and relieves stress.

The success of the program is predicated on its ability to be taught from a place that is both masculine and feminine— coaching and nurturing in one track, dialing up aggression and expectation in the next. The tracks are like chapters in a book — eclectic in mood, martial arts style and music. Innovation over the years has kept the workout fresh and exciting, while retaining key elements like the intensity in track 7 Muay Thai means the program remains familiar to its loyal base.

I’ve studied martial arts since the age of six and hold three black belts, but BODYCOMBAT has elevated me consciously, socially and physically in a way that martial arts could never do! Over 20-plus years, I’ve met countless thousands of people who’ve influenced and changed my life. I've been fortunate enough to teach as well as learn, to increase my own skills while developing others at the same time.

My advice for new Instructors to the program: “Don’t treat your entry into this program as a trivial encounter — it may end up becoming the love of your life.”


For me, BODYCOMBAT is my life, it’s who I am. I’ve been doing BODYCOMBAT for half of my life now. It taught me to fight and work for my dreams, to be humble and have respect for others.

I fell in love with BODYCOMBAT because it aligned with the three things I’m most passionate about: martial arts, music, and the ability to help others. My favourite thing about the program is the way my mind and body responds to the training, and the way it makes others feel in class. I started my training on BODYCOMBAT 5, and had an Argentinian Trainer called Jordi Fusté — the Training Manager in Spain at the time.

I have four special memories of the class:

  1. Filming BODYCOMBAT 31 in Studio 1 at Les Mills Auckland City, New Zealand.
  2. The Global Summit in New Zealand on BODYCOMBAT 36.
  3. BODYCOMBAT 75, filmed in Amsterdam.
  4. BODYCOMBAT 100, filmed in New Zealand.

Why do I think BODYCOMBAT has longevity? Easy! Because practicing martial arts is cool, and it’s a training that can be adapted for everyone. It’s very inclusive and we have the best Trainers and Instructors in the world. Once you add in the incredible music… BOOM! It’s a big success!

My biggest influences are Dan and Rachael. They’re BODYCOMBAT role models and the inspiration for the rest of us. But I am also influenced by the new generation who are doing a great job with the program.

My advice to new Instructors is to have passion for BODYCOMBAT and enjoy the workout. If they feel as though it’s part of them, they should work hard to become the best version of themselves. Never forget that they do it for others, and without their members, BODYCOMBAT wouldn’t exist.


I love BODYCOMBAT because I’ve loved martial arts since I was a little girl, when I used to watch Bruce Lee movies with my dad. BODYCOMBAT has stylish movements set to incredible music. What I enjoy the most is the fact that you can push yourself to the limit in every class!

I started teaching at release 34, and Christopher Besse was my Trainer. As a member I started at release 21, and it was Yannick Reulier who inspired me when I was a participant.

What’s my special memory? Release 34 had a song by Fall Out Boy. For my filming in Stockholm on release 67, we had that song again, and it gave me goosebumps!

What makes this program so successful is its essence. Martial arts advocate discipline and respect for the individual. This program allows us to free ourselves thanks to the training and the harmony with the music. It provokes such emotion in me that I’ve even cried during some songs. The choreographers give so much of themselves in every release and have always shared their passion for the program.

What’s my favourite track? How to choose? I'll say a Metallica song, ‘Enter Sandman’, track 4, because it's powerful and engaging. My favourite releases are 63, 67, United and of course 100 because I filmed with the team, and it was amazing!

The advice I'd give to new Instructors is: take the time to learn about the program and immerse yourself in it. Loving what you do is the key to sharing the essence of the program. Finally, continuous practice will make you more inspiring. As Bruce Lee said: “I'm not afraid of the man who has done 10,000 kicks once, but of the man who has repeated a kick 10,000 times”.


I'm a black belt in Taekwondo as well as a fan of Kickboxing, so BODYCOMBAT was love at first sight. I love the connection between movement and music, the energy of the participants, and the motivation through martial arts training. It’s had a huge impact on my life.

My Trainers at Initial Training were Nivaldo Souza and Matteo Cerruti, and I started on BODYCOMBAT 15. I have a lot of memories that will remain forever in my soul. I remember my first class, my nervousness before going on stage, the anxiety of having so many people in front of me… but my passion for the program and martial arts have carried me on this journey of over 20 years.

There are hundreds of songs I love and that will remain with me forever, but I two moments I will never forget are:

  1. Filming BODYCOMBAT 31 in Auckland, New Zealand. It was my first time in Studio 1 at the mothership that is Les Mills Auckland City.
  2. Recording BODYCOMBAT 97 in Los Angeles, US.

I have so many thousands of special memories. I am grateful and happy for the very special people on my journey including Maureen Baker, Susan Renata, Steve Renata, Rachael Newsham, Dan Cohen, Lisa Osborne, and Emma Barry. Some of my best memories are all the Manz-Portugal Fit conventions where I was given opportunities to grow as a Presenter and as a person.

What has BODYCOMBAT done for me personally? It’s made me a leader, a more resilient and consistent person with the purpose of creating change in the world.

To new Instructors: “keep it real” means creating unique and unforgettable moments for our class participants. “Stay with the fight” is to continue teaching each class with the same passion and dedication as if it were your first. Live the Les Mills values of being United and Brave every day.


I love BODYCOMBAT for three simple reasons: it's fun, it’s effective and it's a journey of emotions through movement and music. The program has been successful because of the people, the combination of great choreography and music, and the team behind the scenes who bring the programs to the world.

I started teaching on release 43, and my Trainer was PK from Thailand. I was so excited for my first class that when I threw a roundhouse kick, it was so hard and high that my quad cramped up. I had to pretend to switch sides while I shook it off!

My favourite release is 50, because it was my first time in New Zealand as a filming participant.

What’s my special memory of BODYCOMBAT? Hahaha, during the filming week for BODYCOMBAT 69, we had a rehearsal class in Studio 1, and I got cramp in my leg after a long day of classes. I had to crawl off the stage ever so slowly because nothing in my legs was working. We watched the video afterwards and it was hilarious that nobody noticed it happening!

Actually, the love for BODYCOMBAT did not come to me immediately. My comfort zone was either in strength or HIIT programs. Fortunately, my first filming experience was BODYCOMBAT with Dan and Rach and I loved how they embodied the program so authentically. It’s not just physical activity — it’s creating life changing experiences for the participants.

The education and execution inspired me, and I started to push myself harder in BODYCOMBAT. I had limiting beliefs when it came to the program due to my build and the way I look and perform that I wasn’t sure would align with the program. Years of perfecting the craft remind me that love comes from consistently working hard and a growth mindset.

My favourite Instructors are Rachael, Dan, and Oscar Peiro.

To new Instructors I say: Practise, practise and practise. When you think you are good, start all over again. Keep it real and stay with the fight.


I started teaching on release 77 and I had Vili [Fifita] and Tauvaga [Siolo] as my Trainers. I know, pretty lucky right?! I was already experienced in LES MILLS GRIT™ but enjoyed being a complete novice in BODYCOMBAT and learning a new skill/program. Before BODYCOMBAT I was all about HIIT and competitive training, but BODYCOMBAT helped me to experience the fun side of fitness. It's not always about being your best — it can also be to have fun and move your body!

I love how BODYCOMBAT is so musically driven and there are so many moves and moments that make you feel empowered. There's no way I would know how to do a jumping evasive side kick if I didn't teach this program!

My favourite release is 88. Not only is every track a banger, but it was such a special event filming at the home of Les Mills on the rooftop with Instructors from around the country getting an opportunity to represent themselves and their clubs. 92 was also very special because I got to film with my 2 mentors and friends, Vili and Tauvaga. It felt like coming full circle and I was so excited and proud to share the stage with them.

During the filming of 95 I was 10 weeks pregnant with my baby boy. I was SUPER nauseous but I knew one day my son would watch this and be proud of his mama and that's what got me through. I did it for him.

Why do I think the program has been so successful? Everyone wants to feel empowered and some level of "badass". But martial arts can be intimidating. BODYCOMBAT allows ANYONE to tap into their inner fighter with achievable moves in a fun, inclusive environment!

My favourite Instructors are Vili and Tauvaga. Vili because he is insanely athletic and I love trying to keep up with him and the joy he brings to the program. Tauvaga because he taught me everything I know and is an absolute master at Performance and Connection.

My advice to new Instructors is: trust the process! It takes a lot of time, energy and practice. But if you are honest with your work, passionate about the program and people, everything will fall into place eventually. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and have fun with the journey!


I started teaching on BODYCOMBAT 63, and Jake McClendon was my Trainer. I remember getting my first release and literally watching it over 50 times, to the point where I'd memorised nearly every line in the release word for word. My favourite track ever is BODYCOMBAT 63, track 8. Rach is why.

I love BODYCOMBAT because it taps into a very innate desire both to fight and to smile. I get both from the workout. I think the program has been successful because of the combination of movement, simplicity, complexity, and synchronicity.

The first release I ever filmed on was 74. During the filming of track 8, while Rach was teaching, I caught myself in an absolute panic because I couldn't believe it was already about to be over and I wasn't sure if I'd ever get to do it again.

What has BODYCOMBAT done for me personally? It literally changed my life. It opened up an entire world to me I never thought I'd see.

My favourite Instructors are: Dan on BODYCOMBAT 69 and BODYCOMBAT 71, track 7 — two of my favourite performances of all time. Rach on BODYCOMBAT 78 track 3, Tash on BODYCOMBAT 88 track 5, Vili on BODYCOMBAT 90 1A.

To new Instructors I say: If you master the music and the moves, the world is yours.


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