by Les Mills Asia Pacific

Based in Sydney (Australia), Carla Cassano is a passionate Instructor whose brutal rehabilitation after a car accident, ultimately, put her on the path that led her to become certified to teach BODYBALANCE®, RPM®, LES MILLS SPRINT®, THE TRIP® and LES MILLS CORE®.


IIn this new regular feature, we’re highlighting Instructors from Australia and Southeast Asia who demonstrate exemplary commitment to their Les Mills Instructor career (i.e., consistently buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops, training and events). And thanks to our friends at Fitness Audio, each featured Instructor receives a microphone case and belt valued at $75. This month, we’re featuring Carla Cassano from NSW, Australia.

What inspired you to become a Les Mills Instructor?

A decade ago, I was involved in a major car accident that left me a quadriplegic for just over a week. I was faced with two options: undergo surgeries or get physical. So, I re-learned how to walk and joined a gym!

At that stage, all I could do was move my legs, so I joined a new class that had just been launched: LES MILLS SPRINT®. I completed my first class while wearing crocs! I weighed over 100kg and I remember being so slow; it was embarrassing. But I sat in the back corner, concentrated on technique, and persevered. And after three years, I’d lost all the excess weight and had regained my health.

It was a miracle. I was so grateful. The experience left me wanting to help others by sharing that feeling of empowerment and magic that fitness can bring to our lives.

What would you like to work towards in your career as a Les Mills Instructor?

One day, I would love to share my love for cycling with others by being a Trainer delivering Initial Training. I’d also like to raise awareness of the importance of movement for children with disabilities, and the role that Les Mills programs can play.

What do you believe are the key benefits of attending Quarterly Workshops?

Every Les Mills Instructor has a passion for their program(s), and while this is essential – to me – it’s not enough. I think that being a truly excellent Instructor who consistently provides awesome live experiences, comes down to education. I am a firm believer that we can always learn from others and should never stop striving to gain new knowledge. For example, inspiration, different perspectives, new ways of doing things, and evolving from a solid foundation is what’s needed in order for us to deliver that same magic to our participants that first drew us to want to become an Instructor ourselves. And this is what Workshops can provide on a quarterly basis.

What do you like most about In-Person Workshops?

Apart from the face-to-face catchups with fellow Instructors, In-Person Workshops also provide us with exposure to different Presenters from within the Les Mills Asia Pacific Trainer and Presenter team. This is super important because exposure to different people and different demographics allows us to learn, grow and expand our versatility. They also give us access to the new Releases – of course! As a self-confessed Les Mills Asia Pacific nerd, I love seeing the ever-evolving changes in the programs, from Release to Release. For example, seeing how Glen and the team wield their magic to add a new take to classic work sets, is just so exciting! And I actually love the challenge of trying to match up the workout plan from the new Release to a previous Release!

What do you like most about Online eWorkshops?

For obvious reasons, the flexibility to be able to choose between online and in-person attendance is great. With life being as busy as it is, it’s great for Instructors to have both options available. They also mean that if you have a physical impediment or other responsibilities, you can still participate and learn from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you may be, and not miss out on the new Release hype!

What do you find most helpful about the Quarterly Release Kits?

I particularly love the fact that we can learn on-the-go via the Releases App. I mean, let’s face it, you’re not a Les Mills Instructor if you're not learning chorey on the go, right?! Being able to download music, choreography and the Masterclass straight to your phone has saved many of us, plenty of times!

What tips can you offer to other Instructors to help them learn new Releases efficiently and effectively?

I would advise, especially new Instructors, to attend as many Quarterly Workshops as they can during the Releases weekend. Learning through movement ensures that once your turn comes to learn the moves, your muscle memory kicks in, so it will feel second nature because it’s not your first run through.

You should also use the Quarterlies to ask questions of Presenters on things that might not feel right in your own body. For example, you may find the same issue arises later, with a participant in your own classes; and this way, you’ll be equipped to advise them.

The trick to mastering any new Release is to learn the music. Learn the lows, learn the highs, and every single second of that track, so that you can then concentrate on bringing that fitness magic to your class. When you can stop a track, listen to it for three seconds and know where you are in your choreography, then you’re there!

By knowing your timings, you can coach with authority and coach those important changes that will ensure participants hit their training variables and goals.

I’d also suggest you be purposeful with your coaching; allow yourself the time to thoroughly learn the Releases so your cues are fully aligned, at which point you can then add your own unique flavour and authenticity to the class!

What do you love most about being a Les Mills Instructor?

Where do I start?! Here are a few reasons:

  • Our participants turn up as much for us as we do for them!
  • No matter how chaotic my life may be, I have never regretted teaching a class.
  • Straight after a class, I fall right back in love with the program.
  • Every time I teach, I am grateful. Suffering from lupus, I know that this will not last forever – nothing does – but whilst I can teach, I am so grateful to be able to do so. I’m also appreciative for getting to do what I do, for loving what I do, for teaching others to feel the same way, for providing community and a place for many to be happy, and for – literally – helping to save lives.

What would you tell someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

Don’t hesitate! You want to know how one person can change the world? This is how! Take the plunge and hit that button! You won’t regret it!

Where can people find you online?

Facebook: @carla.cassanoramirez

Or if someone you know has a passion for teaching Les Mills programs and a consistent history of buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops, training and events, then submit a nomination for Instructor of the Month. To do so, simply email your name and Customer ID to


Les Mills Asia Pacific