by Sarah Shortt

We all likely know, love (and follow šŸ“±šŸ‘€) at least one of our Les Mills Ambassadors ā€“ theyā€™re a special part of who we are and how we strive for a FITTER PLANET. But how much do you really know about them? In their own words, they share why they love teaching and their advice for how to keep growing as an Instructor.

Kylie Gates explains what it means to be an Ambassador

What makes a Les Mills Ambassador?

Firstly, theyā€™re an outstanding Instructor; theyā€™re top of their game. But itā€™s more holistic than that ā€“ they lead, they inspire, and they bring the magic! They represent the essence of who we are and what we do.

What does it mean?

Les Mills Ambassadors represent us on our Masterclass filming, as well as travel to LIVE events as the very real representation of who we are and what we stand for. They can also feature across our marketing and photoshoots; they support our partnership with adidas and so much more. These days theyā€™re often epic content creators on social as well!

How and why did it all begin?

Founded in 2015, the creation of Ambassadors was all about developing rockstars in New Zealand, as well as rockstars from all around the world. At its heart, itā€™s about creating more Instructor greatness in the world through diversity and making sure we keep the magic going for generations to come.

Letā€™s meet our current Les Mills Ambassadorsā€¦
Anthony Oxford (UK)

I get messages asking: ā€œHow do I get on the UK TAP team?ā€ or ā€œHow do I get on the Presenter team?ā€ and there's no real answer to that. It was never a goal of mine, because I never believed it would be possible. I just knew I loved what I was doing. I always made sure I went to the Quarterly Workshops and got the upskills, took on feedback and enjoyed attending the big events.

I tell people: ā€œListen, just enjoy what youā€™re doing. Be the best you can be, and if the opportunity comes, it comes." Thereā€™s not a science behind it. You make your own luck. Keep working hard, but youā€™ve got to enjoy the process. If youā€™re not enjoying it or you let other things take over, itā€™s going to become the barrier rather than the amplifier. Iā€™m a firm believer in the saying: "Everything happens for a reason."

I'd also advise you to never turn down an opportunity that excites you. The day I did that, so many things started to happen. If thereā€™s a bit of you that thinks: "Iā€™d like to do that, but I donā€™t think I can", take the opportunity. Thatā€™s how I felt the day the email came round asking if anybody wanted to take up the spare place in the BODYCOMBATĀ® module. Since then, anytime an opportunity presents itself, I take it. You never know where itā€™s going to lead. The day I stopped fearing failure and switched my mindset from ā€œI canā€™tā€ to ā€œI will tryā€ was a game changer.

Read more about Anthony

Bas Hollander (The Netherlands)

Iā€™ve always wanted to help people to move. I did that as a physical education teacher for children when I still lived in the Netherlands. Being a Global Ambassador means I can help many more people through all of our workouts, but especially through our childrenā€™s program: BORN TO MOVEĀ®.

The best advice Iā€™ve been given is to trust the process. Itā€™s easy to set goals but it can be frustrating to realise that youā€™re not where you want to be yet. It always means there's more to learn, more to do. If youā€™re able to ā€œtrust the processā€, that frustration is way easier to navigate. It could even make the journey more fun and exciting, as you know that itā€™s just a part of that.

To others who want success, I say: ā€œwork real hard for itā€. Really work your ass off. We live in a time that we can learn anything, often for free. Real success doesnā€™t come without hard work. But hereā€™s an important BUT! BUT also know that in every outcome, ā€˜luckā€™ is involved. There are things you have no control (or no full control) over: where youā€™re born. What talents youā€™re born with. What other people see in you. What your parents decided to teach you. What chances others gave you. Just to name a few. These things ALSO play a part in success.

Know success is always a mix between efforts you can control and efforts you can control much less (or not at all). I would always suggest focusing on the stuff you can do, and to really work for it. But if it doesnā€™t go your way, even when you can honestly say youā€™ve done all you could, it might just have not been your lucky day, and that happens to all of us.

Ben Main (NZ)

Teaching has allowed me to fully be me. Iā€™ve got my own teaching style and vibe on stage that no one else has, but off stage, itā€™s given me the confidence to level up and lean into anything. Act authentically, wear whatever clothes I wantā€¦ it gives me another level of confidence when Iā€™m mixing with people. Itā€™s created an identity. I am Ben Main who coaches XYZ classes etc. When Iā€™m needing confidence, I can draw from the feelings I have on when Iā€™m on stage.

The best advice Iā€™ve been given is to ā€œteach a track like you created it yourselfā€, and my advice for other Instructors is to not cap the love you have for a program.

Itā€™s a huge honour to share my passion, represent the other creatives that have created these workouts, and deliver an unforgettable experience. But think 80% of being an Ambassador is what you do off stage. I love teaching because I love helping people! Simple as that.

Charlotte Ranque (France)

I started teaching in 2010 and my first program was BODYPUMPĀ®! I was trained by Fatma Azzouz. I currently teach BODYPUMP, BODYBALANCEĀ®, BODYJAMĀ®, BODYCOMBAT and RPMĀ®.

To others who wish to achieve success, I say work hard and be humble. Being a Global Ambassador is a huge honour, because it means someone else thinks I can inspire others. Itā€™s a pressure but an awesome pressure. Like having a super mission!

Dee Rowell (Australia)

I became an Instructor back in 2010, when I was 19. Teaching has done so much for me personally. I went through a really hard time with my mental health between the ages of 18 and 23 and honestly Les Mills ā€“ and group fitness ā€“ was one of if not the main and only thing that got me through that time. It was a constant in my life and a way to keep me connected to people. It was absolutely life-changing and life-saving for me in some really dark, hard times.

Thereā€™s so many Instructors I look up to: Glen and Sarah Ostergaard. Mark Nu-u-Steele and Lisa Osborne. I have learned and continue to learn so much from them. I also look up to a lot of my peers: Khiran [Huston], Tash [Vincent], Caley [Jack], Erin [Maw].

To me, being an Ambassador means I get to share the deep love and passion I have for Les Mills, and share what the company is about with others around the world. I feel very proud that I get to do that.

House Chaalane (Singapore)

Being a Les Mills Ambassador means representing the high standards of the brand across the whole wide world. Showcasing the highest levels of presenting for the events and Masterclass filming, but also in my daily life as a Fitness Instructor. Most of all, I want to represent the strong values that Les Mills has and share them across the globe.

I love teaching because it makes me feel useful to the members who are coming to achieve a goal, no matter what it is. It can be just having fun, forgetting about their problems, burning a certain number of calories, or fighting their issues out through kicking and punching. I feel good knowing I help them achieve this goal. Being useful to members is rewarding and fulfilling.

A few years ago, one member, now a dear friend of mine, used to come to my classes because he was jobless and struggling in life. The classes "were his oxygen". I even made him jump on stage on the day of his birthday. That was EVERYTHING for him ā€“ feeling good, loved, accepted, and acknowledged. I had absolutely no clue on his situation, I just loved seeing him in class having the time of his life! He told me about his work/life situation a few years later and how much these classes literally saved him from completely "losing it". THIS is my "why". Satisfaction of a job well done and knowing we are able to change lives, even on a small scale. Every single step is progress.

Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimons-Nu'u (NZ)

Who do I look up to? Iā€™m going to sound like a broken record but my Mum and Dad. They're who I get my teaching style fromā€¦ I get the good and bad from them, haha! Theyā€™re both incredible Instructors because theyā€™ve filmed many times, and I often get told I sound like them.

My role as an Ambassador means everything to me and Iā€™m incredibly proud of it. I watched my parents do this role when I was growing up and thought it was the coolest thing in the world, and now I have the chance to spread my love and passion for teaching and mentoring. I never take it for granted ā¤

To others who wish to achieve success, I say: donā€™t do it because you want to be on filming or be an Ambassador. Do it because you frickinā€™ love it! Being on filming or becoming an Ambassador is an incredible bonus, but you canā€™t get there without absolutely loving what you do now and embracing the journey ahead of you. I never expected to do either of these things, so when they happened, I was surprised and so grateful.

Read more about Kaylah-Blayr

Khiran Huston (NZ)

I think the role of an Ambassador is to be an authentic role model of individuality in coaching and athleticism in the programs you present on and off the stage. Youā€™re constantly learning and enhancing your skills to continue to be the very best role model for our Instructors. You (in your own unique way) encapsulate what a Les Mills Instructor is, and showcase and bring to life our gold-standard group fitness training and education.

The best advice I was given was that not everyone will like you and thatā€™s okay ā€“ you donā€™t need to be liked by everyone. This was probably the most freeing advice I was given. I always felt this burden to make everyone happy at the expense of my authentic self, but it impacted not only my classes but my enjoyment of teaching. Once I was told this, it honestly freed me.

For those who want to grow as an Instructor, I say Iā€™d say you need to be really confident about who you are as a person, know your sense of self, and bring that alive in your classes. Youā€™ll know youā€™re doing it when your classes pack out and people follow you in whichever program you teach.

Read more about Khiran

Lula Slaughter (US)

Teaching Les Mills has given me a sense of family Iā€™ve longed for since I was a kid. Life was tough growing up, so I like the connections that Iā€™ve made with other Instructors and participants. Les Mills has saved me and been a lifeline to me as of late ā€“ life has definitely delivered some powerful blows recently. I am leaning into my teaching to get through the rough patches and sometimes Iā€™m leaning on it heavily. Teaching Les Mills programs is creating a pathway of light through some dark moments right now. Teaching is saving me.

To other Instructors I would say: never try to emulate, only be yourself. Work hard, accept nothing but the best in all you do, stay humble and your talent will make room for you. The best piece of advice I've been given was from Dan Cohen, when he was coaching the BODYCOMBAT 83 Team. He said to treat every class you teach like a Masterclass. Now, whether itā€™s 14 people or 50, I teach every class like a Masterclass because thatā€™s what the members deserve ā€“ and it makes me feel like Iā€™ve done my best.

Being a Global Ambassador is an incredible honour to me. I hope to inspire women of all ages and races to get moving through the vehicle of Les Mills ā€“ a company I love so much.

Lunar Lu (China)

Being a Global Ambassador means I get the opportunity to share my passion and love on a global scale and encourage others to have a positive mentality and healthy lifestyle. It allows me the honour of inspiring people around the world. It also gives me the chance to keep learning and pass on the knowledge to my team in China.

I love teaching because, firstly, I love music, and I love how we feel after each class. I want to share this with people. Teaching brings everything together and it has such a positive impact on life. Coming to a class knowing we're going to leave feeling better about themselves. Or coming to an Initial Module Training, leaving with more knowledge, or feeling more capable, or having more purpose.

I'm so grateful to be doing the things I love, supporting members and Instructors, being a role model. Getting the opportunity to have this impact on people around the world is a true blessing.

Maggie Cheng (China)

My hometown is in the southwest of China, Chengdu. My hometown is famous for pandas and hot pot! I first started teaching in 2018 and I currently teach BODYPUMP, BODYCOMBAT, BODYBALANCE, BODYATTACK and LES MILLS CORE.

The best piece of advice Iā€™ve been given is to face all challenges with bravery and enjoy the process. The Instructor I look up to the most is Kylie Gates, and I love teaching because I like helping others to achieve more than they thought they could.

Marlon Woods (United States)

I first started teaching BODYCOMBAT back in 2015, and my Trainer was Jake McLendon.

The Instructors I look up to today are Ben [Main] and Reagan [Kang].

What has teaching done for me personally? Itā€™s showed me parts of the world and myself I never knew existed. I love it because it's an opportunity to be a part of someone putting themselves first.

The best piece of advice Iā€™ve been given is ā€œdoubt killsā€. The advice Iā€™d give to others is to commit to giving your all, even when you canā€™t control the outcome.

Maxime Vigeant (France)

I started teaching Les Mills Programs in 2012, when I was just 18 years old, and my first program was BODYPUMP. My first Masterclass was with my father, Christophe and that was the best class of my life! šŸ˜

The best advice Iā€™ve been given is to LIVE IN THE MOMENT. To not wait for the ā€˜perfectā€™ moment, but go for it anyway. Itā€™s about trying something even if you donā€™t feel ready, because you never know what you can achieve.

I look up to my father and my mother, they are both my number one motivators! My father as an Instructor and my mother for her strength of character. I also respect a lot of Programs Directors, Presenters, Instructorsā€¦ all of the people with whom I started this amazing journey. Thank you!

The best advice I can share with other Instructors is to believe in yourself. You can be who you want to be, and nobody can choose for you! Donā€™t be afraid to try, to succeed, to fail, to ask, to be who you are. Because your biggest strength is YOU.

Meno Thomas (NZ)

I became an Instructor at the age of 15 when I trained in BODYJAM. It took a village to raise me in this industry at such a young age and Iā€™m thankful I was lucky enough to have powerful leaders guiding me throughout: Mid Thomas (my mum), Sheree Marsh, and Nicky Lord.

I love teaching because of the people who show up every week and the new faces I get to meet. Teaching has 1000% given me self-confidence within myself and my body. Social skills, public speakingā€¦ itā€™s given me the life I have today with owning who I am: being Trans and being proud.

Whatā€™s the best advice Iā€™ve been given? My own advice: ā€œThis industry is for the people, not the pay cheque.ā€ What Iā€™d say to other teachers is that the development journey never ends. Being open-minded and continuously learning is the best way to evolve as an Instructor and as a human.

Read more about Meno

Nick Yan (China)

Iā€™m from Wuhan, China. I started teaching in 2013, and I currently teach BODYATTACK, BODYPUMP, BODYSTEP, and LES MILLS CORE. Iā€™m the BODYATTACK Trainer and Program Leader for Les Mills China, and Iā€™m also a personal trainer.

The Instructor I look up to the most is Lisa Osborne. The energetic ā€œsuper womanā€ is the one I admire; I have so much to learn from this iconic lady. She IS the soul of BODYATTACK!

For me, fitness is not a choice, itā€™s an attitude. Teaching Les Mills programs makes me more optimistic, more confident, and healthier. My advice to other Instructors is: practise makes perfect. Focus on the things that will improve your teaching and stay patient. YOU are the finish line.

Otto Prodan (Brazil)

I first trained in BODYATTACK in 2012, and my Trainer was Giles Bryant. Teaching helped me to find my voice. I realised that I had so much to give by just being authentic ā€“ and hopefully this empowers others who are also looking to find their voice.

I love the quote that says something along the lines of: ā€œwhen the student becomes the teacher, they become a better studentā€. I think thatā€™s an incredible growth mindset for becoming a great fitness leader. My advice to other Instructors is to love what you do ā€“ then the hard work wonā€™t feel like work. I love my job, so putting in the hours practising and learning doesnā€™t feel like work.

Read more about Otto

Reagan Kang (Malaysia)

To me, teaching is an act of love. I love seeing people succeed when they implement feedback, or they have an ah-ha moment when they spend time learning from you. That feeling is priceless ā€“ knowing that you're able to add value to someone else's life.

The Instructors I most look up to are Rafael Duro, Judy King, Rachael Newsham, Dan Cohen, Glen Ostergaard, and Kylie Gates. They played a massive role in helping my development.

The best advice I was given is that it's not about what you say, but how you make people feel. My advice to others? The destination does not matter. Fall in love with the process.

RenƩ Vogel (Germany)

Teaching helped me discover my values. Iā€™ve learned to trust myself and itā€™s given me a lot of self-confidence. Actually, itā€™s taught me how to be myself and that I donā€™t need to be anyone else. I learned what my strengths are and how I can inspire others in an authentic and natural way. Now, when I jump on stage, I am completely myself. I show my kind of teaching, my kind of character. Iā€™m 100% myself and thatā€™s my greatest personal growth.

My advice to other Instructors is pretty simple: do what you do with passion and love and never ever try to be someone else. Find your own values, your own strengths, believe in yourself. Eliminate limiting beliefs and develop your empowering beliefs. The most important message is to be honest and authentic with yourself. Your heart is your strongest muscle, so always listen to your heart. Your head will follow, but your heart will give you the right intention.

Vili Fifita (NZ)

I first trained on BODYPUMP, back in 2012, and Matty T ā€” Matt Thraxton ā€” was my Trainer.

What does being an Ambassador mean to me? Leading by example. Being respectful. Practising what you preach. Craving new knowledge to share knowledge. Being yourself, training hard, being kind, humble and owning who you are. Representing each program to the highest quality to inspire. Being authentic on and off the stage. Being kind and lending help to those who need it. Having a growth mindset.

The best advice Iā€™ve been given was from Jackie Mills, who said: ā€œLet your work speak for youā€. My advice to others is to work hard, be yourself and have fun. Practice gratitude ā€“ be grateful you have the ability to exercise.

I love teaching because I get to see progress. I love seeing people grow from strength to strength. I enjoy building confidence through fitness, itā€™s one of my strengths. šŸ˜‰ Iā€™m a huge advocate for health and fitness, I get to train with hundreds of people every week. Itā€™s a two-way street, weā€™re all happy!

Read more about Vili


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