Instructor of the Month - Noura Ridha

by Les Mills Asia Pacific

Noura Ridha is a Sydney-based Instructor certified in BODYPUMP®, RPM®, LES MILLS GRIT® and LES MILLS SPRINT®.


In this new regular feature, we’re highlighting Instructors from Australia and Southeast Asia who demonstrate exemplary commitment to their Les Mills Instructor career (i.e., consistently buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops and events). And thanks to our friends at Fitness Audio, each featured Instructor receives a microphone case and belt valued at $75. To kick off this article series, we’re shining the spotlight on Noura Ridha from Sydney, NSW (Australia).

Noura was initially inspired to become an Instructor because “I wanted to be able to make people fall in love with fitness like I had. To be able to allow people to feel the warm and fuzzies and that pride that comes when you finish your workout. I had seen countless members approach one of my favourite instructors and thank her for a great class, for how good they felt and how much fun they had. In that moment, I knew I wanted to do that too.”

Meeting members where they’re at

Noura’s commitment to her members is to help “make each participant love the workout as much as she does”. She achieves this by tailoring each workout so that every single person in the room feels seen. For instance, “sometimes I’ll have a mixture of people who are new to exercise, as well as veterans. Now, I can call out the names of my regulars and connect with them by complimenting them when I know they’ve increased their weight or are on their toes for push-ups; however, for those new to the class, I need to be generic in my encouragement because I don’t yet know them individually or where they’re at.”

The value of Quarterly Workshops

One of the reasons Noura was chosen as Instructor of the Month is due to her ongoing commitment to attending Quarterly Workshops.

“For me, the key benefits of attending Quarterly Workshops are reconnecting with Instructors I’ve met along the way, which I may not otherwise regularly see; as well as the take homes around how the Presenters teach and the tips they share. For example, I remember Jako Misic talking about using silence in the Squat track for BODYPUMP 123, to highlight how different the tempo was from the usual. When I went to learn that track his advice resonated and I was able to perfect the timing straight away (thanks Jako 😊)!”

In terms of the Online versus In-Person format for Workshops, Noura says the Online Workshops were a Godsend during lock down and restrictions, because “we could connect with our favourite Presenters without leaving the house, but nothing beats live”. Noura prefers the In-Person Workshops format because it enables her to connect in-person with like-minded people who share a similar a love and passion for the program they are participating in. “I also enjoy the chatter that happens post-workout about how hard THAT track was and the excitement when our favourite (non-Sydney based Instructors come to visit - I am always super happy when I see Johnny Pawlin and Dallas Blacklaw on the list!”

Making the most of Quarterly Release Kits

What I find most useful about the Quarterly Release Kits are the technique and tempo elements from the Masterclasses, as they are some of the things you can sometimes forget. I also appreciate the technique pointers from the notes because sometimes if I get stuck, it provides a fresh take on how to say certain cues, so it’s a good reference point.

To learn the new Releases efficiently and effectively, I usually play the Masterclass and music in the background at every opportunity I can, in the lead up to the time spent actually learning the Releases. I find this helps me pick up the changes and new moves quickly (funnily enough, it still surprises me that 14 years on and I can still pick things up so quickly!

Loving life as a Les Mills Instructor

Honestly what’s not to love? You get paid to do the best job in the world! The community you build and the connections that you make are unrivalled. If it wasn’t for my love of fitness, I would never have met some of the best people in my life (my best friend included)!

“Les Mills programs have changed my life. Being a part of the group fitness industry has given me something I wouldn’t trade for the world. I was hooked from my first BODYPUMP class over 20 years ago and I am so grateful for it. The experiences I’ve had (from being asked by Khiran if I would like to team teach LES MILLS GRIT with her, to being a part of filming back when it was in Auckland Studio One) have been amazing and it’s something I would never have been a part of if it wasn’t for becoming a Les Mills Instructor. To anyone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor, Noura says “Run, don’t walk! If you have ever thought about doing it, then dive in! It’s the best feeling to give your all to your class and watch them thrive.”

To follow Noura’s Instructor journey find @noura.ridha on Instagram. If you’d like to follow Noura’s lead and help more people fall in love with fitness, then consider becoming a Les Mills Instructor. To find out how visit

If you or someone you know has a passion for teaching Les Mills programs and a consistent history of buying new Releases and attending Quarterly Workshops, then you can submit a nomination for Instructor of the Month. To do so, simply email your name and Customer ID to


Les Mills Asia Pacific