Masterclass filming at LES MILLS LIVE Los Angeles: Behind the scenes with Les Mills Asia Pacific Presenters – Part 2

by Les Mills Asia Pacific

In the last article, we shared some personal insights from our Les Mills Asia Pacific Presenters who participated in the Masterclass filming at LES MILLS LIVE Los Angeles. Click here to read Part 1 or scroll down to read Part 2.

Bhaskaran Balasamy (BODYATTACK #RELEASE 122)

Bhaskaran Balasamy is a BODYATTACK® and LES MILLS CORE® Presenter from Singapore. He took his BODYATTACK Initial Module Training (IMT) in 2014 and successfully became a Presenter in 2017. LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELES was his first Masterclass filming experience.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

BB: I keep telling people this, it was an 'out-of-the-world' experience. It was truly a dream come true – and it all happened so fast! Honestly, right up until the moment I was standing amongst GIANTS, I felt so small. But those GIANTS held my hands and told me, "You are one of the GIANTS now. It’s your moment to be truly yourself and be the GIANT that you are made to be" I was crying every single night. My heart was filled with so much gratitude.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from the experience?

BB: My biggest takeaway was the camaraderie that I built with my fellow BODYATTACK Presenters. We worked really hard, and we also partied hard too! We were there for each other every step of the way; we were each other's cheerleaders; and that was what truly binds us so closely!

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

BB: I had some great tips from Lisa Osbourne, right before the time we went to LA. She was very nurturing, giving us tips on how to coach clearly, and still bring the energetic feel into our coaching.

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

BB: Hard work really gets you there! Put in and believe in the journey. And when the opportunity arises, be a ROCKSTAR!

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

BB: The attendees who showed so much love and support. I made so many new friends with Presenters from other programs and attendees as well.

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

BB: Face your fears and take the first step. Trust the process!

House Chaalane (BODYCOMBAT #RELEASE 97)

House Chaalane is a BODYCOMBAT® and BODYJAM® Presenter from Singapore. He took his BODYCOMBAT IMT in 2013 and successfully became a Presenter in 2018. Before LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELES , House had previously participated in the Masterclass filmings in London in 2022.

LMAP: Please tell us about your filming experience in Los Angeles

HC: It was an amazing moment! Los Angeles was my second filming experience, having been involved at LES MILLS LIVE London in 2022. But this experience was totally different! This time, I was Presenting three different programs, where I had only one to focus on in London So, it meant juggling rehearsals, stage rehearsing, and fittings for three different programs! Sometimes we nearly had time to chill a bit and put our brain on pause, which was good because so many things were happening at the same time. But you know what? It was VERY EXCITING to be that busy! I love having to work on multiple things at the same time! It keeps my head and my energy focused on the objectives. On top of that, as we had the Global Summit before the filmings, it was the perfect moment to bond with the whole Les Mills family! I had the opportunity to work with so many outstanding people! Some I discovered for the first time (Kamil, Erich, Angel, Beth, Jess, Justine, and sooooo many others from everywhere), as well as some of my faves (Meno, Danni, Billy, Sebastian, Charlotte, Otto, etc). I had THE MOST AMAZING TIME, created so many good memories with every single person I met there (from the Trainer and Presenter teams to the make-up teams, clothing, the adidas team, EVERYONE!) The cherry on top of the delicious cake was that Les Mills named Lula (from the US) and me as Les Mills Ambassadors. That announcement moment will stay in my head forever! I am grateful for this incredible gift they gave to me and will be carrying the memories I created in LA for a lifetime.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

HC: I learned how to trust in my abilities, strengths and self even more than ever. I saw the trust Les Mills has put in me, allowing me to film for three programs at such a huge event, and I tried to use the trust they gave me and reflect it by doing the hard work. I am the kind of person who can sometimes put up barriers to my capacities, so knowing that they trusted me that much, and seeing how much they believed in me, made me believe in myself even more! So, to sum up: improved self-confidence is definitely what I would take away from this experience.

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

HC: “Believe in yourself! If you are here and doing that much, that’s for a reason! We believe in you more than you know!” These words are still echoing in my head and will help me go far.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

HC: Being able to share this experience with my wife by my side, cheering me on (she’s the most critical eye I can have in my life! She’s always giving me feedback for everything, and that’s why I am where I am!). So, for her to be able to see me there and witness what I do, was VERY exciting! The announcement of the Ambassadorship and everyone’s reaction (soooooo cheerful and genuinely happy for me) was the unexpected part! I was really happy to see how far I’ve come, with the support of the whole LMAP Trainer and Presenter team. I owe them soooooo much as they’ve also made me who and what I am today!

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

HC: It might sound a bit “cheesy” but BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Great things happen when you believe in yourself! And if a door is closing in front of you, there is always a window open somewhere else (figuratively, please don’t enter by a random window if a door closes! Haha). I remember a conversation I had with Rachael Newsham when we first met in France (“Pompadour” at Vittel), and I told her “Someday, I’ll be by your side on a filming stage!” She said “I’ll be waiting then! Work hard and we’ll see!” The rest is history. And I will finish on a slogan that everyone who will read this should know: “Impossible is nothing” #TheBrandWithThreeStripes 😉

Trang Le Thu (Kun) (BODYBALANCE #RELEASE 102)

Trang Le Thu (Kun) is a BODYBALANCE® and BODYJAM® Presenter from Vietnam. She took her BODYBALANCE IMT in 2019 and successfully became a Presenter in 2022. LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELES was her first Masterclass filming experience.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

TLT: It was a thrilling and rewarding experience that allowed me to showcase and widen my expertise, connect with the global fitness community, and contribute to the Les Mills program's legacy. It was a chance to inspire and motivate others on their fitness journey, while celebrating my dedication to health and wellness. It was also a life-changing experience, as I came back to my home country after that with a very fresh state of mind, confidence, and an enhanced belief in the true beauty of diversity.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

TLT: Everyone was really encouraged to do what works best for their body. It was not just a slogan, it was something that all of us, as filming Presenters, put into practice. We worked hard together, considering everybody's perspective regarding specific moves, and how it feels in the body, to ensure every single workout would benefit everybody. It means we all got something out of the workout. We spoke up to share our thoughts with confidence, having the belief that the rest of the team would always listen.

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

TLT: Know your strengths – investing in your strengths will take you higher than you expect. Only your strengths would make your uniqueness stand out on that filming stage.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

TLT: The most unexpected magical thing that happened to me was the friendship with my roommates – Bhas from Singapore and BH from Vietnam. We listened to each other’s stories and became like family. I will never forget the moment when Bhas came back to the room after my filming class. His eyes were full of tears, and he was trying to tell me how my BODYBALANCE presentation touched the bottom of his heart, but he was too speechless to finish the sentences. That unconditional support from my roommates was priceless; we all call it "magic".

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

TLT: Your Les Mills Instructor journey will eventually see you become the superstar of your own classes, and of the fitness community that you belong to. And I wouldn't be surprised at all if one day you also realise that the skills and awareness you gain from being a Les Mills Instructor are making you glow in all aspects of your life too.


Caio Cestari is a BODYATTACK® Presenter from Australia. He took his BODYBALANCE IMT in 2022 and successfully became a Presenter in December 2023 (not long ago!). LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELES was his first Masterclass filming experience, which he found to be a ‘pleasant surprise and nerve-wracking challenge’.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

CC: I had the pleasure of working very closely with Kun from LMAP and with Eileen from Germany to design and bring the Twists track of BODYBALANCE 102 to life. It was a fabulous experience connecting three different countries while we were co-creating our scripts and putting our practice videos together. We all worked alongside Kylie for feedback before meeting in-person in LA. When we got there, most ducks were in a row (or scorpions, in our case 😛), so we finessed our coaching and connection between ourselves throughout the four days of rehearsals before we went up on stage. Everything was magical, from the initial catch-up, hugs, first pass, meeting House from our LMAP team, and having our first shared Kit Kats, to our wardrobe fittings, stage practice rehearsals and, finally, the catch-up with Jacquie, Phillip and Diana before and after our filming. We were so connected on that stage, oh my God! Cheering for each other, looking and smiling at each other, hugging each other – but that's as far as I remember; everything else is a big blur! I don't remember pretty much anything apart from the fact that holding tree pose was one of the most challenging things I tried to do – I was shaking a lot! In a nutshell, being able to create a transformational, rejuvenating and healing fitness experiences for people all over the globe with the best in the business, and to meet people who share the same ‘why’ as you was UNBEATABLE. I can't be grateful enough for LMAP and LMI for this opportunity that I'll keep fondly in my heart until my last day in this world. THANK YOU!

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

CC: I knew little to nothing about designing and creating a new Release – and all my (natural) judgement came from a place of ignorance. There is so much more to it, especially when it is done at a massive, global event like a LES MILLS LIVE. There is thought in every sequence, every alternative, every level of intensity, every transition... and obviously, there is so much thought and connection with the music. Criticising is easy when you are not aware of all the pieces of the puzzle – and I have a lot more empathy and respect for Les Mills as an organisation, and for the products that they (we!) produce together.

LMAP: Did you receive any great filming or preparation tips, and if so, what were they and who did they come from?

CC: Oh, wow, where do I start? Dee, James, Riyo, House, Fernanda... working with you as former BODYBALANCE Masterclass Presenters, as well as Trainers and Presenters from LMAP and Les Mills Brazil was an honour. Speaking through your body and "we breathe and then we move” is something that I incorporated into my coaching/teaching and that made a tremendous positive impact in my classes. Kylie and Diana were also fundamental for all technique adjustments and Kylie, more specifically, to make us aware of what it is to coach 1,000 people who are lying on the floor and so cannot see you on stage at all: word choices and ‘what’ you coach to is key. I can't be more grateful for all of you who devoted time, energy and love to me and BODYBALANCE 102. Thank you!

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

CC: The opportunity can knock on your door at any time if you are at the right place. And there is no way to be at the right place without putting in the work – studying, practising, reviewing, hearing feedback and testing new things, putting yourself out there. But hold on because when the opportunity comes you need to be ready to be stretched even further. You will be part of the creation of something you usually receive as an end-product, so that will require double the physical effort, thinking beyond what you thought was your responsibility as a Presenter/Trainer, and co-designing the program with the Directors, to a degree. Be ready, be humble, be open, be full of energy to give – and you will receive it back in a joyful experience that you'll never forget.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

CC: All of my peers were super excited and nervous about the first rehearsal – meeting the team, finding the standards of each Program Director, performing to their best... and so was I. The most unexpected, marvellous and unforgettable thing to me was leaving the first practice feeling that I had already met those people AGES ago, and feeling so connected to each other, to the Release, to our collective purpose. All other sessions that followed left us feeling like a reunited family, and after filming (which was a blur), we wanted to find an excuse to meet and practice again, just to be together!

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

CC: Is there a heart element in your consideration? Do you simply like the program you want to train in, do you actually LOVE it, or are you just very very very curious about what there is on the 'other side'? These elements are what will give you the resilience to go through the challenges, the longevity to reinvent yourself, and the bravery to discover who you are as an Instructor. Find your ‘why’ first, from the heart, and then make your decision 😉. And if you can't find it, I am here to help you navigate this conversation with yourself – just DM me!


Henry Liu is a LES MILLS CORE® and BODYPUMP® Presenter from Singapore. He took his CORE IMT in 2011 and successfully became a Presenter in 2018. LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELES was his first Masterclass filming experience.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

HL: My experience filming at LES MILLS LIVE Los Angeles was everything and more! It was the greatest feeling to be connected to the program and its participants worldwide and being part of the process and the team who put together the Release. The overflowing passion, inspiration from the people and team, professionalism, and happiness made it truly unforgettable.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

HL: My biggest learning from filming with Les Mills was realising just how real and impactful their mission is. Being part of a fitness trend that's booming, I saw firsthand how Les Mills stays at the forefront through constant innovation. It's not just about workouts; it's about changing lives, and I experienced that mission in action.

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

"Don't eat Chipotle for dinner the night before filming!" – Otto

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

HL: Keep going, continue upskilling, always be present at all events, no matter how big or small, and most importantly, keep delivering that unwavering passion in your personal classes. It's your dedication and enthusiasm that can lead to incredible opportunities like filming with Les Mills.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

HL: Connecting with our partners adidas at their HQ for breakfast.

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

HL: Do it! If you have ever had the thought just go ahead and do it. Fear will kick in, but you have got to see it through and give it a try. You could create ripples of change and touch the lives of countless people, and you owe it to your potential to give it a try. 😊

Michael Chidley (Chids) (BODYSTEP #RELEASE 133)

Michael ‘Chids’ Chidley is a BODYSTEP® and LES MILLS TONE® Presenter from Australia. He took his BODYSTEP IMT in 2010 (he was only 16 at the time!) and successfully became a Presenter in 2018. LES MILLS LIVE LOS ANGELES was his first Masterclass filming experience.

LMAP: Tell us about your filming experience.

MC: There was incredible support from Trainers and Presenters from all programs, countries and even more so, my teammates from LMAP. The energy in the room, the passion displayed on stage, and the shared love are nothing like I have ever experienced. I connected in-person – for the first time – with many people who I’d met through social media. We created long-lasting memories with new friends, and this is something I will hold close to my heart forever and always.

LMAP: What was your biggest learning/takeaway from this filming experience?

MC: The enjoyment of pioneering the new Functional Step Training format and representing LMAP with my friends Shiv Ozanne and Jenny Shook for BODYSTEP 133.

LMAP: What filming or preparation tips did you receive?

MC: I received many tips from teammates who have been through the filming process before. Some of the tips that stood out were immersing myself in the workout/music, leaning into my strengths, and being 100% present to feel it all (because the moment will fly by).

LMAP: What is your advice to Instructors who want to one day appear in a Release/filming?

MC: I would encourage them to focus on nailing the basic elements of being an Instructor, partner up with a mentor who inspires greatness, discover your personal authentic way of teaching, and seek development by way of self-assessment and continual training alongside the systems in place with Les Mills. This will help anyone to become an amazing Instructor for the participants in their daily classes, who are sooooo special and set them up to be in a position to add the filming experience to their highlights/achievements.

LMAP: What was the most unexpected or exciting part of your filming experience?

MC: I felt very prepared throughout the whole process because our Program Director, Mark Nu'u-Steele. He gave us everything we needed from the very first contact including choreo notes, music timings, track allocations and a filmed video of the class we would be presenting. Then, after weeks of development, practice and rehearsals we were standing behind the stage calm and collected... then the hype music began! The butterflies started racing, the excitement and nervous energy began to take over, and then it was time! Standing there with so many happy faces ready to sweat, smile and workout. It was an experience I will never forget!

LMAP: What is your advice to someone who is considering becoming a Les Mills Instructor?

MC: The first thing that really inspired me to become an Instructor was my own experience as a participant. My gym had some motivational leaders who inspired me to feel that I wanted to do what they do, creating life-changing fitness experiences. The ripple effect that comes from sharing our energy with others is incomprehensible; it’s very special. I have never looked back and look forward to every opportunity I get to train with my community!

Click to read Part 1 or Part 3 in this article series.


Les Mills Asia Pacific