by Les Mills

Thanks to all of the Instructors who passionately shared feedback with us. We take all your helpful insights onboard and they help us shape new ways of working that will make your life easier. Read on to find out about some of the recent changes we’ve made.

You may not know this but Les Mills takes all feedback very seriously. The team stays well-informed of Instructors’ views across the globe by collecting feedback through detailed Quarterly surveys, social media, and through our teams in every market. We use these important insights to make fixes where necessary, and explore new ways to keep you rocking your classes. So, here’s what we’ve been working on lately…

Choreography Notes

We know some choreography notes from recent Releases have had errors in them, which means they can be difficult to learn from.

We realise this isn’t up to the standard you’re used to, and we’re sorry. When COVID landed we made some cuts to our production processes, which impacted the quality of what we were delivering. The good news is we’ve put a new Quality Assurance process back in place and added more experts to the proofing team. You will see this reflected from the Q4.2021 Releases.


Many Instructors have strong feelings about the essence of their programs and some of you want to be able to share your feedback on the new Releases.

We’ve been working behind the scenes on a new Releases Survey, which is coming soon. Similar to the survey formerly known as ‘BLAH’, this new Releases Survey will be easily accessible in the ‘More’ section under ‘Quarterly Release Feedback’ within the Releases App, so you can quickly and easily share your share your thoughts.

Live Trainings

We know you want the option of Live Trainings again – we all do! Trust us, our Trainers can’t wait to get back to Live Trainings. This is a situation that is very much dependent on the conditions of the pandemic in different countries. Once it is safe and viable to do so, countries will once again offer the option of Live Training. Until that time, the online option is a fantastic solution that allows you to learn from the comfort of your own surroundings, and is sometimes a more cost-effective way to upskill. Learn more about the benefits of online training.


We often hear that you’d like to see more diversity in Masterclass and in Marketing imagery, particularly including more older presenters.

You’ll be pleased to know we now have a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion team who make sure we are always working to improve in all areas of diversity and inclusion. The request for older presenters is one that often surprises us, although some of our most popular presenters are in their 40s, 50s and beyond! Perhaps this is just evidence that regular exercise keeps you looking and feeling young – much younger than people think!

Instructor Licensing

We know an Instructor licensing program that allows you to teach anywhere is also on your wishlist. This is something we explored extensively last year in various permutations and countries. There is absolutely nothing to stop an Instructor or group of Instructors from setting up a studio and taking a standard club license, the cost of which is actually very low. We did see some Instructors take advantage of a UK offer last year to establish their own club, with great success.

Les Mills ran a global Instructor survey and the feedback clearly indicated that the overwhelming majority of Instructors wanted to continue to teach through clubs, as opposed to incurring costs in setting up classes in halls, or paying for their own licenses at club rates.

For their part, clubs have quite reasonably pushed back against allowing Instructors to teach wherever they choose. This is based on the investment they have made in providing facilities in which Instructors have gained their followings – and in many cases whose training and development they have invested in – to compete for their members.

However, the fact remains that should they wish, anyone is able to set up a studio and take out a license.

Here To Help

We always welcome feedback from the community and Instructors like you. If you have specific feedback, please reach out directly via ask@lesmills.com.au and the team at Les Mills Asia Pacific will get back to you as soon as possible.


Les Mills Asia Pacific