by Program Directors

Filmed in the spiritual home of Les Mills – the Auckland City club – the Q3.2021 Releases showcase the best of live teaching. Participants filled Studio One, the rooftop carpark, and the iconic “This is the home of GRIT” LES MILLS GRIT Studio.


Presenters: Lisa Osborne, Fran Torres, Martine Matapo-Kolisko, Nick Parashchak, Rawiri Hirini

BODYATTACK® 113 is exploding with energy!

I put this workout together to excite those coming back into clubs post-lockdown, so it’s packed with fun and athleticism. There’s a great mix of enjoyable songs for you to play with and add your own style to.

There are some new combinations and movement patterns in this Release, so be sure to practise them before you start teaching. To get your members moving, focus on the basics: name the move; direction; then cheer them on! Remember: some participants may not have been exercising as much as they used to, so focus on the joy and fun of being together more than the challenge of the workout.

You’ll love the new combo in Mixed Impact and the big energy of Aerobic. Both tracks are about fun for you and your members. The power combos in the Plyometric track are fresh and will challenge the mind and the body. Bounding forward is the key focus: load and explode!

The love, joy and fun of the program really shines in the Interval and Running tracks. Smile, sing, encourage your members to do the same. The Agility track, Send It has a motivational sound that will drive your participants to work hard! Speaking of driving, the final peak is a hardcore challenge that will leave you feeling sweaty and accomplished. Have fun and thank you for all the love you spread with BODYATTACK!


Presenters: Diana Archer Mills, Kylie Gates, Joash Fahitua, Fraser Beck

This is one of our favourite releases of all time, largely because of the music. We both adore every track (particularly 4!). We love the flow of the movements and the feeling of openness and extension they create.

We begin our practise with a Yoga Warm-Up that includes a Cat/Cow with Down Dog Sequence to warm and activate the body. You also have the option of the Tai Chi Warm-Up, which features beautiful circular movements to bring focus to our practise.

Track 2 Sun Salutations is a truly inspirational piece of music to unite the breath with the movement. We build strength and power in our lower body in Standing Strength with Warrior Poses and a Wide Squat with Side Bend.

Participants have the option to try PNF stretching to deepen the range of the stretch in Hip Openers – both in Frog Pose and Happy Baby Pose. Pilates 100s are back in Track 6 to deliver a beautiful burn for our abs! We build strength in our back body with a Pointer Firefly Sequence before we mobilise our thoracic spine with Lunge and Standing Twists.

You will love the feel of the Hamstring tracks in two parts, where we create space in the back body as we breathe through Seated Forward Fold and Wide-Legged Side Bend. Finally, we surrender into the most beautiful Meditation/Relaxation, Be The Light.


Presenters: Dan Cohen, Rachael Newsham, Erin Maw, Marlon Woods, Vili Fifita, Antoine Sagne, Natasha Vincent

What an incredible filming experience BODYCOMBAT® 88 was – with a full audience in the studio and a rooftop carpark packed with warriors having the time of their lives!

Track 2 sets the scene for an epic workout: inspired by Kickboxing and Muay Thai, we get to work with Descending Elbows, the Street Brawl Downward Punch and Roundhouse Kicks. Track 3, Ripped to Pieces, is a high-volume, high-energy track with an agility and Boxing cardio fitness training objective. You’ll improve stamina and agility with lateral running and skipping, while jabbing, crossing and slipping to promote coordination and rhythm.

Track 4, Kolkata, challenges core stability and balance, while teaching participants how to move with speed and control. Your participants will love Track 5, an MMA-inspired circuit track! The Integrated Core Training, combined with high-volume Pushups, builds strength and muscular conditioning in the upper body. We also have power and speed punches, along with Tuck Jumps, to improve cardiovascular fitness.

We slow everything down in Track 6 to focus on achieving full range in Lunges and Esquivas, before launching into a HIIT-style training focus for Track 7. This track is HUGE! We finish the cardio element with Track 8: an all-out endurance, high-volume, high-energy Boxing track, before training our core with a Modified Iron Cross and Bolt Plank Combo. Enjoy!


Presenters: Gandalf Archer Mills, Meno Thomas

BODYJAM 97 is here and it’s HAWT! And it’s SPICY! Like the bestest burrito you’ve ever had - that’s what BODYJAM Take It Up Take It Up Take It Up Turn It Up is like…!

“Hol up, did Gandalf just say that this class is as good as burritos?!?”

Yes. Yes I did.

From Track 1 Up, the hype is gonna lift you, which leads nicely into the actual Hype Track 2, which is gonna have your hips rotating in all the best ways!

Block 1 is Wobble Like It’s Hot, the mash-ups of the century for you to get a wind on to. Bahh dee ahh dee ahh dee ahh dee is straight fire, everything is gonna shake (or wobble, you choose). Best Friend is pop perfection, Drop It Like It’s Hot is DROP IT LIKE IT’S HOT LIKE THE GREATEST HIP HOP TRACK EVAAAAAAHHH!

Then let Boasty and the insane drops of Wobble & Jiggle take your face to the happiest place.

Upside Down brings the heart rate down (ever so slightly) before – BANGERS WARNING – this second half is honestly, possibly, too much.

The swag of It’s Goin Down, the pure energy of Roll The Bass, sing along with Headlines (“that the real is on the rise, so **** them other guys"), Turning Me On is BAAAAAAAACK (this track is such great, much explode), Bounce Back gets us higher, then MULA MULA MULA MULA whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. You’ve never heard music like this – I promise!

I’m gonna stop talking so you can start dancing, push play, open your body, turn up the music, take it up, take it up, take it up, turn it up.


Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Diana Archer Mills, Kayla Atkins-Gordine, Vili Fifita, Khiran Huston, Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimons-Nu’u, Des Helu, Ben Main, Marlon Woods

BODYPUMP® 118 hits the stage with a truly global feel. The workout is fresh, modern and the music lifts us into the BODYPUMP stratosphere!

The key focus for this workout is glute activation for athletic development. This is a particular feature of the Squat, Back and Lunge tracks where we focus on vertical drive for transference to activities such as jumping. In the Chest, Core and new Functional Track we include Hip Bridges and Leg Lifts to improve our horizontal power for movements such as walking and running.

For the first time ever, BODYPUMP® 118 includes the Barbell Front Squat! This is a fantastic exercise to increase our core engagement and quad strength, as well as helping to improve alignment and mobility. It’s a true innovation for the workout.

Plate Rows and Super Slow Lunges build deep fatigue and ultimately strength and tone for the legs. The introduction of a bonus BODYPUMP® 45-minute track named “Functional Strength” adds a real athletic glute focus to the workout. You can use this track in place of the 45-minute Lunges/Shoulders track.

Whether you want to run faster, jump higher, or get stronger and more toned, this class has myriad benefits for everyone!


Presenters: Mark Nu’u-Steele, Lisa Osborne, Kaylah-Blayr Fitzsimons-Nu’u, Martine Matapo-Kolisko, Charlotte Fleetwood-Stowers

Filmed with a massive audience and live-streamed worldwide, how great does it feel to be teaching and attending live classes again?! This new Release is about celebrating with you as you reconnect with your members, friends and fellow Instructors at your gym.

The uplifting and energetic music in this special Release is tailored to create feel-great vibes right from the start, as we warm up and clap our hands to Everybody Dance. We set a dance battle vibe as we crump our way to our first cardio peak to Salt, and then we mix up our training styles in the Mixed Strength track with Squats, Lunges and Burpees, with a fun pirate/nautical theme.

Rotations are the name of the game in Peak 2, to a high energy remake of Billy Joel's classic hit Pressure. Then we set our quads and glutes on fire in Conditioning 1 to Dynamite.

The Party Step will have you singing and dancing, and the Athletic Circuit with have you on a mixed training high, before our super-fun Peak 3 Cardio to What A Man Gotta Do.

We finish this awesome workout with some full-body conditioning work, and a relaxing stretch.

I hope you enjoy this celebratory workout, working out with friends in your live classes, at home with your family, or wherever you choose to workout!


Presenters: Dan Cohen, Diana Archer Mills, Corey Baird, Antoine Sagne, Otto Prodan

We have gone all out on this Release – amazing innovations, powerful music, exercises that challenge and strengthen the glutes (ouch Track 4!), extended Hovers and rotational Deadlifts. Release 43 has been designed to create real change in the power and stability of your core. This Release has the full 45 minute, plus a Bonus Track 2 on offer. Watch out for the intensity options and be prepared to be blown away by the large team bringing it to your living room!

Once we’ve activated the core with Crunch Rope Climbs and Cross Crawls, we move into the workout with a Plank Firefly and Mountain Climber Combo. It’s a fun move that will challenge everyone! Standing Strength 1 introduces the new move Squat with High Pull to enhance our rotational power. We also have a new feel with the Squat, Knee Lift with Twist to keep us safe and strong for everyday activities.

We isolate the glutes in Track 4 with resisted 45-degree Kickbacks and the Clam is back – but this time performed in a Hip Bridge position! Track 5 is a circuit-style track with three rounds of work for the obliques. We finish the 30-minute format with Kneeling Rows and Aeroplanes to strengthen our posterior chain. For those of you teaching the 45-minute format, we have slow and fast Burpees in Standing Strength 3 to elicit a three-dimensional core response!


Presenters: Erin Maw, Ben Main, Ash Kay, John Nicodemus, Bex Rivera, Bas Hollander

After 36 Releases, this round was extra special with the first time filming a Masterclass in ‘The home of GRIT’! These unique and innovative workouts show why LES MILLS GRIT is the best HIIT workout on the planet.

LES MILLS GRIT Strength 37 has a theme of ‘Complex Combinations’ threaded through to offer variety with barbell, weight plates and bodyweight work. Each set is designed to keep elevating the heart rate, propelling us into the red zone to get results - fast! The team loved the contrast between each set, and the simplicity of the workout structure means you can hit every set and rep with maximum effort.

LES MILLS GRIT Cardio 37 introduces the new move Kick Sit alongside familiar heart-rate elevating favorites such as the Donkey Kick, Squat Tucks and the Bolt Power Burpee. It’s simple to learn and teach, with each track having ‘A’ and ‘B’ moves which are first performed separately and then blended together.

The Bonus Athletic Block is structured around a theme of ‘load – reload – explode’ with heaps of innovative and creative moves to get the body firing in a different way. The Bonus Athletic Block is combined with GRIT Strength this round.


Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Bas Hollander, Khiran Huston

This Release is structured as a pyramid workout where we build up to a peak, then work back down to the first track.

We begin with an Accelerated Warm-up: over three minutes of continuous movement to set the scene and prepare your body for the workout. From there it's straight into the main event! Track 2 has 4 x intervals of Power with 40/20 work/rest splits. The focus is on working above 85% of max heart rate to maximise the training opportunity.

Power Tabata is up next, 8 x intervals with 20/10 splits. You’re gonna feel this one as less rest means a bigger spike for the heart rate! Track 4 is Sprints and only comprises of 2 x 40-second efforts where we smooth out the intensity. With reduced load, the muscular demands are reduced, but our heart rate should remain high.

The peak of the workout is Power Endurance, where we aim to sustain the intensity over the duration of the 1 x 4-minute interval. Keep pushing!

We then move down the pyramid with Sprints, Power Tabata, and Power to finish. This workout will challenge everyone – it doesn’t let up from the moment we press play. Good luck!


Presenters: Diana Archer Mills, Mark Nu’u-Steele, Bas Hollander, Erin Maw, Khiran Huston, Vili Fifita

Welcome to Tone 14! This Release is packed with innovations and options to add heavier plates in the three strength tracks.

As usual, we have worked the class into what we believe is well-balanced, simple and effective for everyone. You have two options for the Cardio Peak: one that is for fans of Burpees and includes floorwork, and another that is performed entirely standing. Enjoy the cool feel of the Resisted Cardio track where we use weights to execute a Bow and Arrow movement and Clean and Press. We have new innovations for Cardio Core in the form of Cable and Archer Pull Combos. Your abs won’t know what hit them!


Presenters: Glen Ostergaard, Mandi Jones, Otto Prodan

RPM 91 is about learning to ride with constant pressure, whether if it’s in the Flats, Hills, Racing phases or the Mountains. The idea of ‘riding constant pressure’ will increase muscular endurance and build the cardiovascular fitness specific to cycling. It’s the accumulation of pressure in the muscles, that time under tension on the bike that will give us the intensity our riders come for. Riding constant pressure will eliminate free spinning with no Resistance, lack of control and bouncing. Essentially, it will help your class to work harder with better technique!

Track 1 is a cruisy, funky number to get the class in the mood to ride. We shift up a gear (or two) into the training zone for the Pace track, and our goal is to work at an intensity where we are open-mouth breathing.

We are heading Up And Away in the Hills track, where we connect our class to the slower pace with a challenging Climbing Resistance and coaching the concept of riding with constant pressure. Track 4 creates contrast in feel and energy to the previous track; coach your class to try Going Further than they think they can in the extended 1/1 phases.

Track 5 has three efforts with longer rests, so we can work harder in the intervals. Our Speed Work track is an iconic song where the focus is on maintaining muscle pressure throughout the extended Racing phase.

The final Mountain track is epic! Keep your class challenged through the varied Positions and Paces, because the legs will have to react quickly. We finish with Ride Home to flush the legs and celebrate the workout!


Presenters: Gandalf Archer Mills, Grace Stevens, Cameron Holland

Wow, wow, wow! SH’BAM® 44 comes to you fresh from the studio, the rooftop and your living rooms at the 2021 Les Mills Global Summit! It was the ultimate dance party with everyone around the world dancing, smiling and sweating together. The party didn’t end when the cameras stopped rolling, though; the party has only just begun as it continues into your clubs and to your members.

What’s in store with SH’BAM® 44? Dance moves that look and feel awesome, but are simple to do; music that inspires, motivates and uplifts (think K-Pop and Britney); infectious energy; and a community that is welcoming, friendly and inclusive. Bring out your sass with Strut, imagine you’re in Ibiza with Tick Tock, before enjoying the Nu-School take on Swing Dance with Feeling Alive!


Presenter: Khiran Huston

The foundation of this Release is the music, and at the heart of the music lies the beat; and it’s the beat that inspired our approach to the visuals and the approach taken by our Presenter – Khiran Huston. Oh yeah, The Queen is back!

We book-end SOLAR with fractal images, beat reactive visuals, and a ride through deep space, to lure us into and out of the experience. Our initial encounter with space engages your body with the workout and our final encounter with space provides the chance to celebrate.

Movement and flow are highlights as we enter a lush jungle space that evolves into a ride over and under water. A series of roller climbs at the back end of this environment lift the intensity and provide a great challenge.

A land covered in ice serves up a wonderful mix of climbs and speed phases, which dial into an athletic feel, before finishing on more of a strength-based vibe.

Three beat-driven Transit points provide relief from the main spaces we encounter, and while each of these Transit points are similar in some ways, they are most definitely unique to ride.

Once more, we have created a progressive workout with a focus on longer flowing working phases, combined with energetic transitions. Plenty of challenge for those that want to go there and – of course – easily scaled for any fitness level.

As always, Khiran showcases her wonderfully connected style. With the focus of ‘finding our cardio groove’, Khiran brings the focus alive through her use of inclusive language and enthusiastic delivery.

We hope you enjoy learning and sharing SOLAR with your crew. Ensure you take time to prepare yourself well with thorough knowledge of the choreography, and as always, use the 80/20 approach to maximis the drama and hype!


Les Mills Asia Pacific