by Sarah Shortt
How are you feeling about returning to teaching post-lockdown? Excited? Nervous? Worried you won’t remember how to teach?! We’ve got you covered. With New Zealand being one of the first countries in the world to have their gyms reopen, we asked some of our local Instructors to share their tips.
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by Sarah Shortt
“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X. In today’s uncertain times, it can be tempting to sit on your hands and wait for a sign from above as to what your next steps should be. Here’s why taking action now and continuing to invest in your Instructor education will pay off in more ways than just having a better understanding of Layer 2.
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by Phillip Mills
New research shows being obese increases the risk of suffering severely from COVID-19 – yet another reason why your role as an Instructor is so crucial.
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Les Mills Asia Pacific