by Program Directors

A full yoga class in BODYBALANCE®, tuck jumps in BODYATTACK®, agility and a total switch up of BODYJAM®? The new releases are on their way and we can’t wait for you to get your hands on them!

Important note: It’s an understatement to say these are “no ordinary times” that we find ourselves in. Which is why Les Mills Asia Pacific is continuing to take extra-ordinary measures to support our Tribe – especially when it comes to Q1, Q2 and Q3 Releases. Click here to read about the unique options you have for Q2 Instructor Releases. >


We open the class with a fun, chart-topping Warm-Up to get people moving and loving exercise. Mixed Impact will make you want to “Move” with some great, athletic combos to make even the newest person feel sporty. To help continue developing the team-feel of BODYATTACK, use the split-room formation in Plyometric to deliver a competitive feel.

Mixed Strength has a cool musical sound that delivers intensity to both upper and lower body muscles. This track is all about integrated movements to deliver functional training. The Running track resets the body with Lunge combos to bring your members back to the working zone. Speaking of working zone, Tuck Jumps in Agility? We said it! As always, there’s lots of choice so everyone in your class will feel successful. Have fun in Intervals singing along with the uplifting beat “Do You Want It Right Now?” and then push your members hard in the Corner Run combos in the Power track.


BODYBALANCE Release 89 is 55-minutes grounded in Yoga. Yes, a full class format of Yoga poses/sequences! We have offerings for all: there’s still a Tai Chi style Warm-Up and you have the choice of either a Core Yoga or Core Pilates style track. We hope you try it all and change it up in your classes… see what the needs of your participants are and what they like.

The soothing sound of “Need” creates the perfect Yoga style Warm-Up which draws us into the present moment, warming our breath and waking the body up slowly. We have the global sounds of “Myth” and “South of the Border” for our two Sun Salutation tracks; watch the Masterclass as we have some NEW options to explore and offer (dialling options up or down) based on your class demographic and needs.

“I’m Kissing You” was the favourite song of the release and could possibly have one of the most challenging Balance poses – EVER! PNF is back in Hip Openers (it works, so why not?)… plus Frog and Wide Knee Child’s Pose. Enjoy the poses to the uber vibes of “Don’t Forget your Roots”.

You have two Core Abdominals Tracks to choose from: Yoga-based moves getting us to work our core in both dynamic and static contraction plus your traditional Pilates based track - challenging as always.

In Core Back, “10,000 Hours” allows different ways to open the front of the body while strengthening the posterior muscles to leave us feeling uplifted and strong. “Electric Feel” is a beautiful wind down with a slow and soothing Twist track to counterbalance all the work from the previous track. Two Hamstring/Forward Bend tracks to allow us to keep creating length in our body that might be just the right recipe for us to gain better practice in our journey to front splits!


Power, speed, excitement, drama and mastery brings alive BODYCOMBAT‘S 84th release.

With a thumping soundtrack that motivates and inspires, the adrenaline will be high and you’ll need to bring your singing voice and your no retreat and never surrender attitude! There are some incredible standout moments: Track 2 showcases the “grab and stomp” whilst tracks 3 and 8 are connected by their front stance and boxing combinations to ensure a familiar style of movement throughout the workout. Bring your best version of yourself when it comes to tracks 4, 5 and 7 as they will bring out your inner fighter!


BODYJAM 93 is here and this is the one where Gandalf switches everything up... cause, guess what, I did!!

I want BODYJAM to always feel fresh for participants, to be exciting for you to get, watch and learn, so I’m going to go spelunking down all sorts of crazy new dance caves.

Track 1 is straight Reggaeton fire with the classic banga ROMPE to start moving the body and work isolations, before we hit Track 2, from now on referred to as HYPE track (great name, huh?). It’s where we turn up the tempo, crank the euphoria and go just a little nuts.

Then we hit the first block (Make Di Sound Bang) and we’re bouncing between Soca, Trap, Hip Hop, freaking humungous feels drops and simple, stylish choreography that the world is gonna love. Famalay is amazing, fast energy, with beautiful positive vibes, then the classic Black And Yellow changes up the direction - speaking of which, try this track with our all-new innovation Flip It In Reverse.

Track 5 is most likely gonna wake your neighbours up, then we lay down the soul with “Best I Ever Had”, where the music is slow but the feels are nuts.

“Baddest Things” in Track 6 might have the biggest drops of all time, before the feel-good vibes of “Stage Party” hype your class to another level.

Drop the heart rate with the gorgeous “I Can’t Get Enough”, before the second half’s Hip Hop and ooohhhh weee – it’s a good one.

Blanco is maybe the best song of the release, Dawdy has got this Shoulder Roll Arm Swing combo that is so slick, then “My Type” comes on and you’ll see the faces in the room get all screwed up cause they love it nasty.

Omen changes up the feel for longer lifted arm-lines, then The Motto will have your peoples lip-syncing while they Jam.

Then the last track, “I Will Stay”, is 9 minutes long – WAIT, WHAT DID HE SAY?? NINE MINUTES??

Yes, it’s that good.

BODYJAM 93 – consider yourself switched!


BODYPUMP 114 is a modern and athletic release, with plenty of innovations to deliver the training effect.

We find our groove early on with an uplifting Warm-Up that teaches us great lifting technique, targeting all our major muscles. Triple extension is the theme of the class, especially in our Squat and Back tracks; 5 rounds of Squats with Calf Raises and – in the Back track – High Pulls into the Clean and Presses will generate huge muscle engagement and promote athletic training.

Key innovations:

The chest track has a floor press option which will build strength (you can go heavier) as we pause in the bottom range of the movement. It is also great for caring for our shoulders. This track has an awesome Old-School musical feel! Oh yeah, and there’s also a few Mountain Climbers for fully functional training…

There’s an amazing Hip Hop Triceps track that is slow and controlled. Push-Ups with rotations engage the core and challenge stability in the shoulder. Coupled with triple pulse bar extensions you will absolutely be feeling the burn in the back of the arms! The Biceps tracks introduces mid-range isolation to build tension and tone, mixed in with plenty of pulses to keep the pressure on.

The Lunges track is uplifting and dynamic. It has a Single-Arm Row with a Deadlift, which fires the glutes and hips while promoting coordination and stability. There’s an option to add a single arm press in the Lunge for an additional challenge to the core and shoulder. Finally, there’s a new Plate Clean and Press in the Shoulder Track and we bring back the Spider Push-Up in Core. Enjoy!


Release 120. That's 30 years of BODYSTEP and I am overjoyed to be sharing this awesome workout with you and your club members.

We kick off our celebration workout to Heatwave as we warm the body. Next up we practice a staple BODYSTEP ingredient, (walking) to Left Right. You'll love the single leg explosive power training in Peak 1. Just a little something to sink your Teeth into.

For our 30th celebration release, we go retro in the Mixed Strength track to Jump. So, get Ready to JUMP!

Up next, we have a fresh new feel for Peak 2. The quicker tempo gets us moving to a different rhythm and is sure to give our bodies a fitness jolt. Single leg balance and stability is a main focus in Conditioning 1 to Post Malone. Then we Party Step to Good As Hell (my personal all-time favourite track... EVER). This one is all about your personal grooming and sassy fun attitude.

The Athletic Circuit will get all the Amigos in your class cross training and working hard. We then hit the final peak with heaps of contained energy to Sexy No No No.

Finally, we achieve cardio recovery with full body strength and conditioning to Real Good Feeling, then a good stretch out as we Cooldown to the super cool track Come Home.

Enjoy working out and celebrating BODYSTEP with your members to this special 30th Release!


If integrating multiple muscles, full range movements, fun, core strength and stability was the game plan, then CXWORX release 39 hits the spot perfectly. In Track 2 we have jumping planks and scissor crunches that will teach the core muscles to fire to help stabilize the trunk. A short set of diagonal plate chops in Track 3 allows us to go a little heavier and pick a plate that’s really going to lift the heart rate and challenge the obliques. The bonus tracks 4 and 5 both feature the Les Mills SMARTBAND™ wrapped around the thighs and incorporate platework to generate movements that are both dynamic and demanding.


With the most radiant of smiles and a sassy Spanish flair, we welcome you to LES MILLS BARRE 11! This release centres on the music as a crucial motivator for our participants - and on muscle engagement and mind-body connection as training principles to deliver results.

This release delivers the beautiful burn through a high volume of repetitions of technical, yet simple movement sequences. With no big jumps or turns, our participants can develop competence and feel confident in their practise to explore their mind-body connection. From our teasing, playful Warm-Up to our ‘Spanish-style’ Extend, to the soaring freedom of our Escape – the tracks are light-hearted, fun and expressive, and these positive emotions truly define every movement sequence.


LES MILLS GRIT 33 is literally set to rock your socks off! Release 32 had a really creative structure, so we have flipped it;  33 has a simple structure to give your class an opportunity to master the movement patterns, before applying power and speed to get that amazing heart rate kick. Heads up – those EMOMs are fire!

Your lungs are going to feel some serious heat in the Bonus Athletic Block. Strength and Cardio formats and moves were kept relatively simple, which allowed us get more innovative with Athletic. The Tri Sets are designed to be a heart-rate kicker before we get explosive with some fresh barbell moves.

This is the first time we have broken up the Bonus Athletic Block throughout the workout. It feels fresh and will leave your members on a massive high after that incredible final Athletic kicker. You can mix and match Athletic with GRIT Cardio 33, after it has been launched as a combined block with GRIT Strength 33.


Did someone say Power Tabata?

Yes – we have 6 rounds of a 30-second Power Tabata in SPRINT 20, I know! This release delivers on the HIIT promise in no uncertain fashion with Strength Intervals, Sprints, and Power Intervals. These Intervals are 40, 60 and 80 seconds, and you’ll find the 80 second interval to be the biggest test both physically and mentally. Oh yeah, and it’s repeated. The workout plan has several repeating patterns, allowing our participants to simply focus on achieving the intensity once they have learned the track structure. We love the fitness this program brings us and SPRINT 20 will push even your fittest athlete to their limits.


TONE 10 features simple, easy to learn choreography combined with hot music and intelligence in the design of cardio, strength and core training!

Here are the release highlights…

TONE posture - posture is paramount for safe and effective movement quality. There is a big focus on setting up TONE posture, weaving it in and reinforcing it during the workout, coaching participants to move with excellent technique for safety and results.

VARIED TRAINING METHODS offered – featuring classic training methods and the hottest trends in group fitness. As for the cardio, we have tracks that offer progressive heart rate lift, steady state training and HIIT training. Traditional strength exercises and unique balance and functional training exercise working multiple planes of movement. Core training in standing and lying down positions to train all aspects of the core, deep and superficial muscles, rotational muscles, the posture muscles of the back chain of the body, and the muscles that surround the hip.

SPEED of Movements – faster – here we go! TONE 10 features an opportunity to moving faster in the cardio tracks than previous releases. This is an optional highlight of TONE 10 for your members that will definitely cater to those looking for the extra cardio burst.

“Alors on Dance” Track 2 – Interval Warm-Up - showcase all options: this Warm-Up is paced so well to showcase all the different options TONE has to offer. It’s a phenomenal opportunity for you to set the tone and educate participants that the class will be moving in different options and choices based on their needs.

“Magalenha” Track 4 – Cardio - Contrast of Moves. This track has amazing contrast in movement with the grounded slow Lateral Lunge with Side Crunch and dynamic energy throws.

“Faith” Track 5 – Cardio/Running Track – Inspirational – this running/jogging/marching track is set to a super inspirational music and a wonderful opportunity for a cardio burst, if your room does not accommodate this track, you have the choice to either not to use it or to be creative with the space available to you.

“Majesty” Track 7 - Cardio on training to “Breathless” – Peak, full out breathless cardio track that will appeal to the most hard-core athlete whilst still offering moderate fitness levels. This track is the ultimate in the benefits of peaking cardio fitness to get fitter, faster

“Aprieta”Track 13 – Strength/Core - Contrast - Planks/Plank Taps add in the “new” Plank/Air Jack/Jumping Firefly Combo dialling into muscular power. And the Figure 8's are seamless adding in the strong twist to make it a combo of fluidity and precision.  Fantastic exercises for integrated core training.

RPM™ 87

RPM 87 is another kicker of a release. There’s a good blend of modern and traditional RPM sounds to take you on an emotional journey. The workout is challenging but with plenty of opportunities to recover and get your breath back.

Track 1 is a great class opener. It’s cool, cruisy, and a modern sound. It’s a great tune to get the class in the mood for the workout ahead. An opportunity for some pedal technique in this track too! Track 2 is uplifting, building and exciting. Use your voice to create energy and excitement as you build through the work.

Track 3 is emotive, where you want to just go with the feel of the track. It’s a bring back of an RPM classic but in New Zealand’s native language – Maori. Use the builds and the highs of the track to express how the track makes you feel. Track 4 contrasts to a fun and funky sound. The music is driving with a modern upbeat feel, it’s a bit cool.

Track 5 is a traditional RPM sound where it’s “game on” straight away with lots of short and fast attacks. Track 6 has 3 identical blocks of work, and then Track 7 has a climbing combination between Standing Attack and Standing Climb. It’s a beautifully uplifting track where there’s plenty of opportunity to create contrast with your vocals.

SH’BAM™ 40

SH’BAM is 40 – fresher than ever before! A K-pop banger brings us into the party vibes as the jumping and popping wakes the room up with a boy band style warm up. This dance workout is hotter than ever! Don’t worry though as the cool tracks in the back half makes sure that everyone’s tastes are taken care of. There’s a sprinkling of samples of 90’s songs mixed in with definite generational dividing moments, such as “Polaroid”!

THE TRIP™ 21: “V I S T A”

The workout is progressive, the spaces are unique, and the music engages the senses.

V I S T A begins with layered instrumentation to lure us in and then from a high level we drop onto an island and ride through 3 zones.

The Coast embraces a carnival vibe that progressively builds intensity with seamless workout blocks that flow together. The opportunities to recover hide between the transitions of speed into the steep drops and climbs.

The City is next and it lifts us up as we climb high and weave amongst the buildings. The scenic moments peak at the entrance of an open shaft which is fed by an energy source. The origin of the energy source is not known but we venture higher anyway.

From here we enter The Competition space and this leads us to our final challenge, watch out!


Les Mills Asia Pacific