by Sarah Shortt
As Tribe Talk recently told you, we currently have a company-wide focus on BODYCOMBAT for six months. This involves promoting the program to both clubs and participants alike to encourage them to try the workout – with an overarching goal of helping you to fill your classes!
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by Les Mills Global Instructor Tribe
Ever turned up to teach a class and experienced that sinking feeling when you see three lone members waiting for you?! Yes, smaller classes can be harder to teach, but there’s lots of positives to be found as well! We reached out to our global Instructor tribe to share their tips for rocking the stage when it’s a little quieter than you’d like…
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by Sarah Shortt
Glen Ostergaard is the creative force behind three of Les Mills’ most popular programs: BODYPUMP, RPM and LES MILLS SPRINT. We asked you what you’d most like to know about from Glen, so read on to have all of your questions answered!
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“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” – The Emperor, Mulan.
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by Joe Chalmers
Joe Chalmers was an overweight teenager when his Instructor mum introduced him to BODYATTACK. Now an Instructor himself, he shares his life-changing story.
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