by Marie Anagnostis

We bought – we taught – we moved on. You know how, when a new release takes so much time, effort and energy to learn, you genuinely contemplate teaching it for the next 37 weeks?! You may not have to go to those extremes – here are some ideas to extend the life and value of your latest release before you relegate it to your back catalogue…

1. Watch the Masterclass

If you learn simply by reading the choreography notes, you are missing out on ideas and cues about how to deliver the track. If the reason you don’t watch the Masterclass is time constraint – try playing it in the background while you do something else and let the wording wash over you – you might just pick up some absolute crackers for your next class.

2. Read the Technique and Coaching sections

New release time is a frantic effort to simply remember choreography. There is no room/time for extra curricular information! But when was the last time you really paid attention to the page opposite the choreography notes – the Technique and Coaching page. Do you realise there are tons of cues here? Cues you might have neglected, not even thought of, or simply needed to refresh your memory on. Also, you will find specific notes to keep in mind/ help you understand the tracks, such as Connection, Intensity, Facts, Feel, Essence and Why.

3. Bonus tracks

This is an easy way to extend the life of any new release. Most programs come with bonus/alternate tracks to choose from. When it comes time to mix, rather than deviating completely from the new release, simply slip in the bonus/alternate tracks – they will give the release a whole new feel. When it does come to switching out the release completely, consider only changing a few tracks at a time (and keep your favs, obvs).

4. Team teach

One of the joys of new release time is team teaching AKA not having to learn the entire release at once! Team teaching is always more fun right? And if you have your crew that always reunites at new release time, why not mix it up and add someone else to the team that you don’t normally teach with? You will add a totally new dynamic to your class and even learn something new. You might team teach for a week or two, and then when you go solo you can keep the same release as it will be a completely new feel for you and the class (and you’ll have to teach the tracks you palmed off to someone else!)

5. Watch the Education

Are there new moves in your latest release? Is there new information on the same moves? Each quarter (and in between) there will be new information on your program. Available only on the Les Mills App (available on Apple and Android now), the Education section organizes information by program, making it simple to find. As a bonus, Education is available as video content of varying lengths, making it easier to digest.

Check out the latest education content on the Instructor Releases App


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